Leon Kruczkowski

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Grave of Leon Kruczkowski in the Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw

Leon Kruczkowski (born June 28, 1900 in Krakow , † August 1, 1962 in Warsaw ) was a Polish writer .


In his novels and dramas, Leon Kruczkowski addressed the social structures in Poland and problems of political and moral action.

From 1949 to 1956, Kruczkowski was President of the Polish Writers' Union ( Związek Literatów Polskich ).

Works (selection)

  • 1932: Kordian i cham (novel; German rebel and farmer )
  • 1938: (Drama; German The Adventure with the Fatherland )
  • 1949: Niemcy (drama; German Die Sunuchs , also Die Sonnenbrucks )
  • 1959: Pierwszy dzień wolności (German The First Day of Freedom )

Filmography (selection)


  • 1952: Chopin's youth (Młodość Chopina)
  • 1960: The Crusaders (Krzyżacy)
  • 1960: The unforgotten night (Dziś w nocy umrze miasto)

Literary template

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New Germany of January 14, 1964; P. 4