Leonard Leopold Maldoner

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Leonard Leopold Maldoner (born August 16, 1694 in Waldshut , † October 16, 1765 in Pruntrut ) was a West Austrian- German and Swiss archivist and historian .


Leopold Leonard Maldoner was born in Waldshut in 1694 as the son of the Freiburg court advisor and court clerk Johann Franz Maldoner and Maria Anna Oechlin. The father had been transferred to Waldshut due to the French occupation of Freiburg.

From 1710 to 1712 Leopold Leonard Maldoner studied physics and logic at the University of Freiburg . Around 1717 he entered the service of the Austrian government and specialized in archives. From 1741 to 1742 he rearranged the archive of the University of Freiburg (Registerium from 1742) and from 1747 to 1749 the archive of the city of Freiburg . After a falling out with his employer, Leopold Leonard Maldoner went to Pruntrut as archivist in 1749 at the archives of the Prince-Bishops of Basel, who had been in exile since 1529 .

From 1752 onwards, Maldoner reorganized the archives of the prince-bishops by making a fundamental separation that still exists today. Under A "Spritualia" spiritual and under B "Temporalia" secular writings and documents were filed alphabetically after further subdivision into subdivisions.

Leopold Leonard Maldoner wrote several historical works about Breisgau and the cities of Freiburg im Breisgau and Basel that have not yet been published . In particular, the four volumes on the history of the Breisgau are of great regional historical importance, since for the first time a comprehensive listing of documents and sources is intended.

Writings (unpublished)

  • Areological events , manuscript formerly Fürstenbergische Bibliothek Donaueschingen .
  • About the Statt Freyburg and its wars, War Histori Löblicher instead of Freyburg (1305–1499) , manuscript in the Freiburg City Archives.
  • A short report from the Breisgau up to 1747 , an attempt at the history of the Upper Austrian provinces, 1747, manuscript in the Freiburg city archive.
  • Brisgovia vetus et nova, that is the old and new Breysgau collection of donors, houses of worship, monasteries, sites, castles, spots etc. , 1754, manuscript in the possession of the Abbey of St. Paul in Carinthia.
  • Historia Basiliensis, that is a description of the ancient diocese of Basel , 1763, manuscripts in the Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe and in the episcopal archive of Pruntrut.


  • ( Peter Paul Albert ): Maldoner's report on the Freiburg Minster 1754 . In: Freiburger Münsterblätter 1, 1905, pp. 90–92 ( digitized version ).
  • Hermann Flamm : LL Maldoner's diary about the siege of Freiburg in 1744 . In: Address book of the city of Freiburg im Breisgau 1908, pp. 17–36.
  • Martin Wellmer: Leonard Leopold Maldoner (1694-1765). A historian of the Breisgau . In: Schau-ins-Land 84/85, 1966–67, pp. 207–235.
  • Theodor Bühler: Johann von Fleckenstein (1435–1500), Dominique Joseph de Billieux (1717–1783), Léonard Léopold Maldoner (1700–1765). Important "administrators" of the former duchy of Basel. In: Zeitschrift für Verwaltungspraxis , Vol. 27, 1973, pp. 345–347.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Archives de l'Ancien Évêché de Bâle, État des fonds PDF; 42 kB .
  2. ^ Klaus Graf: Regional identity in the southern Baden area around 1800 . In: Achim Aurnhammer, Wilhelm Kühlmann (ed.): Between Josephinism and early liberalism. Literary life in southern Baden around 1800 . Freiburg 2002, pp. 35–47, here p. 40 ( digitized version ).