Leonhard Wilhelm Snetlage

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Leonhard Wilhelm Snetlage (born August 5, 1743 in Tecklenburg , † November 10, 1812 in Berlin ) was a German Romance studies and lexicographer .

life and work

Snetlage (also: Snethlage) was the son of a Reformed preacher from Tecklenburg. He has a doctorate in law. From 1793 to 1804 he was a French lecturer at the University of Göttingen .

In 1795, Snetlage published a dictionary of the neologisms of French brought about by the French Revolution , which was immediately plagiarized and recently reissued. A (purist) replica À Léonard Snetlage (1797, reissued in 1998) wrote (shortly before his death) Giacomo Casanova .

Snetlage was Friedrich Engels' great uncle .


The dictionary and its plagiarism

  • Nouveau dictionnaire français contenant les expressions de nouvelle création du peuple français . Ouvrage additionnel au Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française et de tout autre vocabulaire. Par Léonard Snetlage, docteur en droit de l'Université de Gottingue, Göttingen 1795 (XV, 250 pages)
    • Ferdinand August Gödicke, New French Dictionary containing those expressions which either owe their existence to the French Revolution or whose meaning was changed during the same, Cöthen 1796
    • Friedrich LaCoste, New German-French Dictionary . An aid for the more convenient application of the new French words and idioms, Leipzig 1796
      • New German-French dictionary . A tool to help you use the newer French words and phrases more easily. After D. Leonard Snetlage Nouveau dictionnaire français contenant les expressions de nouvelle création du peuple français, with abbreviations, additions and a French register by Friedrich LaCoste, ed. by Karl-Heinz Danner, Saarbrücken / Strasbourg 1996 (226 pages)

Other works

  • D octrina De Consensu Tacito Ex Silentio . Dissertatio Iuridica Inauguralis, Harderovici 1764
  • Contes politiques et fabuleux du dix-huitième siècle , Berlin 1779
  • De ivris vniversi ratione , Halle a. P. 1788
  • De Methodo Ius Docendi . Programma Academicum, Halle a. P. 1788 (15 p.)
  • Observations sur l'expédition navale des Anglais sur les cotes de la Zelande , accompagnées d'un voyage fait dans ce Païs là, Berlin 1809


  • Giacomo Casanova, À Léonard Snetlage, docteur en droit de l'Université de Gottingue, Jacques Casanova, docteur en droit de l'Université de Padoue , 1797, Paris 1903 (new edition ud T. Ma voisine, la postérité . A Léonard Snetlage, docteur en droit de l'université de Goettingue, Jacques Casanova, docteur en droit de l'université de Padoue, Paris 1998)
  • Ferdinand Brunot, Histoire de la langue française. Vol. X.1. La langue classique in la tourmente. Contact avec la langue popular et la langue rurale , Paris 1939, pp. 103-104.
  • Edeltraud Dobnig-Jülch, The Revolution in the Dictionary, in: Werner Hüllen (Ed.), Understanding the Historiography of Linguistics. Problems and Projects. Symposium at Essen, November 23-25, 1989 , Münster 1990, pp. 303–317 (here: pp. 313–315)
  • Bio-bibliographical handbook on linguistics of the 18th century . The grammarians, lexicographers and language theorists of the German-speaking area with descriptions of their works, ed. by Herbert Ernst Brekle and others, 8 vols., Tübingen 1992–2005 (here: vol. 8, 2005 sv)

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