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The Leonina was a gold coin in the Roman papal state . She was under Pope Leo XII. Minted in the mints of Rome and Bologna in 1825 and the date of issue is the spring of 1826.

A globe with part of the zodiac sign Leo (eponymous) was shown. The lion holds a goblet with his right paw and a cross on his shoulders with his left . A legend reads: Populis expiatis, 1825. G. Cerbara f. The other side of the coin shows the Pope's coat of arms with the motto Leo XII. PM Anno III. and the letters RB for the mints.

The edge leads as a transcription "Dilexi Decorem Domus Tuae", which can be translated into German as "I highly respected the beauty of your house".


  • Christian Noback : Complete handbook of the coin, bank and exchange relations of all countries and trading places on earth. Volume 1, Hofbuchhandlung, Rudolstadt 1833, p. 311.