Leopold Buvry

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Inscription from Buvry on a column in the Karnak Temple

Leopold Buvry (born March 11, 1822 in Berlin , † after 1870 ) was a German naturalist .

Ludwig Leopold Buvry received his doctorate from the University of Jena in 1854. He was general secretary of the Acclimatization Association in Berlin, a member of the Central Association for German emigration and colonization matters and a corresponding member of the Oriental Society of France. In 1858 he was accepted into the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina .

Buvry was friends with Alfred Brehm . A subspecies of the grosbeak widespread in North Africa has been named after Leopold Buvry ( Coccothraustes c. Buvryi ) since 1862 .

Writings and works

  • Algeria and its future under French rule . 1855
  • Communications from Algeria: In: Journal for General Geography . 1858
  • Relation d'un voyage d'exploration scientifique au Djebel Aurès en Algérie . 1859
  • Cultivation trials with foreign crops in Germany . 1868

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Member entry by Ludwig Leopold Buvry at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on November 12, 2015.