Reading socialization

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The parents play in reading socialization an important role, because the children take over the shown of them behavior . But institutions outside the family ( school and friends) are also responsible for reading behavior. Since the development of reading in childhood and adolescence is influenced by socialization factors, modern reading research examines the forms of "literary socialization". Individual reading behavior is shaped by both internal (personal) and external (social) factors. In reading socialization, gender-specific differences can be observed on the basis of reading material and reading motivation.

Reading is a form of social activity that has different functions and meanings in different phases of life . The later reading behavior is already shaped in childhood . These characteristics of reading behavior, whether a book is used for entertainment or to convey knowledge , often persist throughout life. The importance of reading is often related to the current phase of life.

It is difficult to determine certain types of readers based on the reading material, because the content of a book can have different effects on different readers. The typing of the reading style should be done using the reading function (the book is used to acquire knowledge or for entertainment).

Reading intensity as well as the meaning and the way of reading change over the course of life. Empirically, a distinction can be made between modes of reading acquired in reading socialization: pragmatic instrumental reading, intimate and participatory reading, conceptual reading, discursive and aesthetic reading.

In contrast to the language , which children learn independently in early childhood, reading and writing must be taught in educational institutions. In the beginning, reading for the children means grasping characters, combined with transposing them into the phonetic values ​​that designate them. Reading behavior is gradually changing. The recognition of entire words and sentence images and later the perception of several words with a certain meaningful content emerge from grasping and lining up the letters.

After completing school education, different readers can be distinguished on the basis of their reading ability: illiterate, post-illiterate, non-readers, headline readers, as well as selective, analytical and intensive readers.


  • Hartmut Eggert , Christine Garbe: Literary Socialization. Metzler, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-476-10287-4 .
  • Bettina Hurrelmann, Susanne Becker, Irmgard Nickel Bacon: childhood reading; Family and reading socialization in historical change. Juventa, Weinheim 2005, ISBN 3-7799-1357-7 .
  • Angela Fritz, Alexandra Suess: Reading. The importance of the cultural technique of reading for the social communication process. Universitätsverlag, Konstanz 1986, ISBN 3-87940-299-X .
  • Thomas Eicher: Reading socialization and German studies. Mentis, Paderborn 1999, ISBN 3-89785-0907 .
  • Maik Philipp: Reading when other things become more important. Empirical research on the reading orientation of children in fifth grade. Lit, Münster 2008, ISBN 3-8258-0677-4 .
  • Klaus Gattermaier: Literature lessons and reading socialization. An empirical study of the reading and media behavior of schoolchildren and the socializing effect of their German teachers on reading. Vulpes, Regensburg 2003, ISBN 3-9807028-5-5 .
  • Werner Graf: Reading genesis in childhood and adolescence. Introduction to literary socialization. Schneider, Baltmannsweiler 2007, ISBN 978-3-8340-0260-0 .
  • Norbert Groeben, Bettina Hurrelmann (ed.): Reading socialization in the media society. A research overview. Juventa, Weinheim 2004, ISBN 3-7799-1355-0 .
  • Sabine Wollscheid: Reading socialization in the family. A time budget analysis of reading habits. Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-531-15819-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. Werner Graf: The sense of reading. Modes of literary reception skills. Munster 2004.