Lester Roloff

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Lester Roloff

Lester Roloff (* 1914 in Dawson (Texas) , † 1982 ) was an American evangelical preacher .


Roloff grew up on a cotton farm . He studied at Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary , after which he was pastor in various churches . In 1944 he began preaching on his own radio show called Family Altar . The show was so successful that Roloff gave up his parish employment. From then on he earned his living exclusively from radio work and the associated income. In 1951 he founded the Roloff Evangelistic Enterprises in Corpus Christi . In 1982 he was killed in a plane crash. The recordings of his radio broadcasts continued to be broadcast.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Randall Herbert Balmer: Roloff, Lester (1914-1982) . In: Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism . Baylor University Press, Waco 2004, ISBN 1-932792-04-X , pp. 590 (English).