Li porte longer

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Li Portenlänger (* 1952 in Eichstätt ) is a German artist.

The golden path


Portenlänger studied from 1974 to 1978 surface design (graphics and painting) at the Bremen University of the Arts . Between 1979 and 1984 she attended the free modern dance college with Gerd Leon in Bremen. She also studied lithography at the RhoK in Brussels . In addition to her subjects, she has dealt with historical dance and Chinese body art. The focus of her work is now on lithography. At her place of residence in Eichstätt she has been running the municipal lithography workshop in Eichstätt since 1998 and also the Hortus-Wunder-Wanderkammer project , which refers to the Hortus Eystettensis .


Li Portenlänger's works have been shown at exhibitions in Germany , Austria , Italy , Belgium and the USA since 1978 . To this end, she has realized several projects in public space, especially in Bremen, and performed performances in museums, galleries and sacred spaces.

  • 1998: Opening performance of the Leonrodplatz in Eichstätt


  • Young Bremen Artists - Dominican Church Osnabrück. Osnabrück 1982, p. 40, ISBN
  • Li Portenlänger & Michael Harre (eds.): ELF + ELF. You paper cut. Stamp text Er. Eichstätt 1996, ISBN
  • Li Portenlänger & Peter Pörtner (eds.): HORTUS WANDER WUNDER KAMMER. Lithography workshop Eichstätt, Eichstätt 2008, p. 72, ISBN
  • Li Portenlänger (Ed.): Time - Ways - Heaven - Paths. From the cave to the house on the road to heaven. Eichstätt 2010, p. 112, ISBN

Web links

supporting documents

  1. Projects. Retrieved August 8, 2020 .
  2. Eichstätt lithography workshop. Retrieved August 8, 2020 .
  3. Li Portenlaenger (Germany). Retrieved August 8, 2020 .
  4. Li Portenlänger. Retrieved August 8, 2020 .
  5. "ELF + ELF. Scherenschnitt Sie ”(Portenlänger Li and Michael Harre) - Buy the book, signed first edition - A02khn7l01ZZ5. Retrieved August 8, 2020 .
  6. "HORTUS WANDER WUNDER KAMMER" (Li Portenlänger - Peter Pörtner) - Buy used book - A01hLqok01ZZM. Retrieved August 8, 2020 .
  7. "Time - Ways - Heaven - Paths" (Li Portenlänger) - Book used buy - A02dUNZN01ZZR. Retrieved August 8, 2020 .