Liane Synek

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Liane Synek (born September 17, 1922 in Vienna , † September 6, 1982 in Hollabrunn ) was an Austrian opera singer (soprano).


After her vocal training, she won a singing competition in 1950. Between 1951 and 1952 she was at the Mainfranken Theater in Würzburg and then until 1954 at the Wuppertal Opera House .

In 1954 she was appointed to the Hessian State Theater , where she was one of the most popular artists until her death. At the same time she was at the Berlin State Opera and the Cologne Opera House .

In 1951 she sang in the Bayreuth Festival Choir, later Helmwige in Die Walküre and Erste Norn in Götterdämmerung . Guest appearances have taken her to all major opera houses worldwide.

On February 15, 1965, she sang Countess de la Roche in the Cologne premiere of Bernd Alois Zimmermann's opera The Soldiers .

In Wiesbaden, the capital of Hesse, the "Liane-Synek-Straße" is named after her.

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