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Liening is a family name that can probably be traced back to several regional origins.

Origin and meaning

Region 1: County of Grafschaft Bentheim / Wietmarschen

Liening → "zur Linde" or "von der Linde"

Since the time of the Celts , names have been given in the region according to water points and local conditions. Communities such as Wietmarschen → "Wiet in de Mersch" were named after the marshland , the land reclaimed from the water. In the 15th century, the Liening farm was named after the linden trees that grew there and the tor who lived there were called Lynde or Lyndeman.

Age of the Liening Farm (tor Lynde, Lyndeman)

It is difficult to determine the exact foundation date of the farm. The former Wietmarschen monastery only wrote down what belonged to it in Wietmarschen or what was liable to taxes. In addition, documents prior to the 15th century are few and far between. Nevertheless, it is possible that the farm is one of the oldest in the municipality of Wietmarschen. This fact can be justified by various aspects:

1. Eschhof

The Liening, Lyndemann or tor Lynde farm can be referred to as the so-called Eschhof (see Esch (corridor) ), one of the oldest agricultural farming techniques. The area in which the farm is located is still called the "old village" and is located in the highest part of the municipality of Wietmarschen .

2. Full inheritance "Liening"

Another indication of its age is the fact that the farm was taxed as a "full heir" for centuries. The " full heirs " are probably the oldest farms in Wietmarschen, there are a total of 7 full-heirs farms. Two of them were founded by the Wietmarschen monastery at that time in 1220 (Nyhoff → Neuer Hof or now Hof Niehoff-Germer) and around 1280 (Sütthoff). The farms Veddern, Heilker and Moormann were founded in the 16th century and were called Kötter ). According to the current state of knowledge, the possible order of founding farms could be as follows: full heirs, three-quarter heirs, half-heirs, kötter, three-quarter kötter .... From this one can conclude that the full inheritance courts were founded between 1220 and 1520/40 or even existed before.

3. Court square under in the linden trees

Fetched far away, but it is still possible that the farm or courtyards in the “old village” are even older than the municipality of Wietmarschen (founded in 1152 ). This is due to the fact that the monastery and the abbey area of ​​the monastery (west) as well as the two courtyards founded by the monastery (in the north and south) are located on the edge of the "old village". The other four full inheritance farms are said to have all been in the center of the “old village”. The fact that the Liening farm was surrounded by linden trees, the name points to linden trees and that there were early execution sites under linden trees → Linden tree , could be used as a final clue for determining the age.

4. Mention of the name "tor Lynde"

4.1 From the Germanica Sacra Third Part 1 by Wilhelm Kohl, p. 206

In 1209, the abbess of St. Aegidii handed over the domus super Geist to the married couple Robertus and Swenehildis, who had been accepted iure servili , with son Gottfried in exchange for the third sheaf. Their successors should, however, give four pigs for lease or four solidi per estimatione, court records 1569–1800. Gisbert in the farming community of Geist belonged to the cathedral winery and gave 2 Reichstaler 21 Schillings for the treasure.

4.2 From the Germanica Sacra Neue series 37.2 by Wilhelm Kohl, p. 280ff

Ksp. Badbergen Example Wulften: habitacio Gyseken van Wulften. - Tor Lynden Lindeman . - Havichorst Havickhorst . - Hare (n) camp. - ton Grale Godelman , all V (ollerbe)

4.3 March 26, 1517, Westphalian history

(Crastino Annuntiationis Marie virginis gloriose)

In front of Wylhelm Gosschalck, Mayor of Werne, Hermann to Oestendorpe called. Redder, citizen of Werne, and his wife Else den Tebert Beuerborch, Bernhard Kock, Hermann Bodeker, Hermann tor Lynde, Kameralen at Münster Cathedral, a pension of 10 good ones, heavy, overland Rhine. Gulden for half a good, heavy, overland Rhine every year. Gulden from her house, located bynnen Werne vpder nyen strate between Johann Wulner and Euert Gardener. Johann Buck, Jürgen to Wysschel called Haghen de Sporenmecker, citizens of Werne, make money.

Change of name over time

For over 500 years the family name Liening changed from "tor Lynde" or "also" van der Lynd ", via" Lyndeman ", Lininck, Lining to Liening, depending on how the name was recorded by the respective priest / registrar.

Well-known namesake

Gudrun Liening , German contemporary painter

Individual evidence

  1. (Source: Wietmarschen Monastery and Monastery, paperback - January 1, 1951 by Heinrich Specht
  2. ^ Germania Sacra. Third episode 1 / The Dioceses of Cologne, The Diocese of Munster 10: The Cistercian, later Benedictine convent of St. Aegidii in Münster by Wilhelm Kohl, p. 206.
  3. ^ Germania Sacra. New episode 37.2 / The Dioceses of Cologne, The Diocese of Munster 7, 2: The Diocese 2 by Wilhelm Kohl, p. 280ff.