Lietuvos kino studija

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Lietuvos kino studija is the largest film company in Lithuania . It is located in Vilnius .


In 1940, under Soviet rule, a studio was founded in Lithuania that was henceforth responsible for the production of newsreels. In 1953, this studio produced their first feature film, Aušra prie Nemuno , but still in coproduction with Lenfilm . In 1956 it was renamed Lietuvos kino studija and from then on served as the headquarters for the state film industry. The studio produced its first independent feature film in 1957 under the direction of Vytautas Mikalauskas with Zydrasis horizontas .

During the Soviet Union, Lietuvos kino studija produced three to four feature films (mostly together with other Soviet film companies), forty documentaries and thirty to forty newsreels a year. Although censorship and imposed ideology weighed on many filmmakers, some received international film awards - including Vytautas Žalakevičius , Arūnas Žebriūnas , Raimundas Vabalas and Algimantas Puipa .

In 2004 it became the private company UAB “Lietuvos kino studija”.


Individual evidence

  1. Website on Lietuvos kino studija at the Lithuanian Theater, Music and Film Museum ( Memento from March 29, 2001 in the Internet Archive )

Coordinates: 54 ° 40 ′ 52.8 "  N , 25 ° 16 ′ 51.6"  E