Limax giustii

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Limax giustii
Order : Lung snails (pulmonata)
Subordination : Land snails (Stylommatophora)
Family : Schnegel (Limacidae)
Subfamily : Limacinae
Genre : Limax
Type : Limax giustii
Scientific name
Limax giustii
Falkner & Nitz , 2010

Limax giustii is a species of nudibranch from the family of snails (Limacidae), which belongs to the land snails (Stylommatophora). It is endemic to the Mediterranean island of Capraia .


Limax giustii reaches a length of approx. 10 cm. The keel reaches about ⅓ the length of the body. The following color morphs are mainly found: dark brown to black, brown with whitish-yellow lateral stripes and an equally colored keel line, and brown with irregular dark stripes, which are set off from the darker back by lighter stripes. Occasionally the cloak shield is spotted. The sole of the foot, which is divided into three parts in the longitudinal direction, is only moderately intensely reddish in color.

In the genital apparatus, the hermaphroditic gland consists of a large flap with numerous small lateral constrictions. The hermaphrodite is thin and not very folded. At the beginning of the egg ladder (spermoviduct) sits a small protein gland (albumin gland), the prostate gland nestles tightly. The free fallopian tube (oviduct) is relatively short and hardly widened towards the mouth in the atrium. The spermatic duct (vas deferens) opens into the penis just before the apex of the penis. The penile retractor muscle attaches directly to the apex. The penis is everted 26 to 30 cm long. The seminal vesicle (spermathek) is oval with a short stem. The penis ridges are poorly developed.

Similar species

Limax giustii is on average smaller than the other species of the Corsicus group. This is explained with island dwarfing. The penis ridges are poorly developed and a lot of white mucus is formed during the withdrawal phase and the penile bases are not in direct contact. This is the case with the species, or at least some species, of the Corsicus group. st. not the case. In Limax gerhardti from Ischia , the everted penis is longer on average, the hermaphroditic gland consists of several lobes and the hermaphroditic duct is heavily wrinkled.

Geographical distribution and habitat

The species is endemic to the island of Capraia (Italy), part of the Tuscan Archipelago . So far there is no further information on the way of life.


The taxon was first recognized and described as a new species by Gerhard Falkner and Barbara Nitz in 2010 . The material had already been collected by Folco Giusti in 1968 and the genital apparatus was depicted. However, he determined the material as Limax (s. Str.) Corsicus . The species belongs to the so-called Corsicus group i. w. S. (Nitz et al., 2010), within this group to the Cape Corse / Tuscany (sub) group.

supporting documents


  • Nitz, Barbara, Gerhard Falkner & Gerhard Haszprunar 2010: Inferring multiple Corsican Limax (Pulmonata: Limacidae) radiations: A combined approach using morphology and molecules. In: Glaubrecht, M .: Evolution in action. Case studies in adaptive radiation, speciation and the origin of biodiversity. Pp. 405-435, Springer, Heidelberg etc. ISBN 978-3-642-12424-2 Preview on Google Books


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