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without rank: Rhizaria
without rank: Cercozoa
without rank: Granofilosea
Order : Limnofilida
Family : Limnofilidae
Genre : Limnofila
Scientific name of the  order
Cavalier-Smith & Bass, 2008
Scientific name of the  family
Cavalier-Smith & Bass, 2008
Scientific name of the  genus
Cavalier-Smith & Bass , 2008

Limnofila is a genus of heterotrophic amoeba that belongs to the Cercozoa and forms its own order Limnofilida . They live in fresh water and feed on bacteria.


They are small, heterotrophic amoebas with very narrow, branched, granular filopodia . When eating, they are pressed against the substrate and are often spherical. Flagella , if present, are not visible under the light microscope.

The cristae of the mitochondria are flat. Bundles of 2 to 6 microtubules are located in the filopodia . The extrusomes are complex and structured concentrically. The two ultrastructural investigated species have two flagella stumps with a transverse plate at the base of the transition region, but no 9 + 2 axoneme. Microbodys , a centrosome and large grains are absent from the cells. The mitosis is a closed Pleuromitose, wherein the spindle apparatus outside the nucleus is located.


Limnofila forms the order Limnofilida together with several unspecified DNA environmental samples, which together with a clade to which Massisteria also belongs, forms a clade within the Granofilosa.

The following species were added to the genus when it was first described in 2008:

supporting documents

  • David Bass, Ema E.-Y.Chao, Sergey Nikolaev, Akinori Yabuki, Ken-ichiro Ishida, Cédric Berney, Ursula Pakzad, Claudia Wylezich, Thomas Cavalier-Smith: Phylogeny of Novel Naked Filose and Reticulose Cercozoa: Granofilosea cl.n. and Proteomyxidea Revised . Protist, 2008 doi : 10.1016 / j.protis.2008.07.002