Lisa Ellram

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Lisa M. Ellram (born December 18, 1960 in Robbinsdale , MN) is an American economist. She is the James Evans Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain at Miami University . She is considered one of the leading scientists in the field of supply chain management .


Ellram graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in accounting in 1982 . This was followed by a Masters in Business Administration (1987), also in Minnesota, and a Masters degree in Logistics from Ohio State University (1989). She completed her doctorate in business administration there in 1990.


Ellram made important contributions to the total cost of ownership . Much of her recent work deals with the role of sustainability in supply chains .

Ellram was one of the editors of the Journal of Supply Chain Management for several years .

Publications (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Prabook
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