Lise-Lotte Rebel

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Lise-Lotte Rebel (born January 23, 1951 ) is a Danish bishop of the Lutheran Danish People's Church . Since 1995 she has been bishop of the Diocese of Helsingør .


Rebel studied at the University of Copenhagen and passed her theological exam there in 1978. In 1978 she took over the pastor's office at the church in Utterslev on Lolland , and in 1980 the office at the church in Islev near Copenhagen . From 1987 to 1995 she was pastor at St. Olaf's Cathedral in Helsingør. In 1995 she was elected bishop of the Diocese of Helsingør.


  • 1996 - Dannebrogorden
  • 2001 - Dannebrogorden, knight 1st class
  • 2014 - Dannebrogorden, commander

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