List of the bishops of Achonry

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The following people were Bishops of Achonry ( Ireland ):

  • about 558 Cathfuidh
  • 1152 Mael Ruanaid et al. Ruadain
  • 1159 Gille na Naehm Ó Ruadain (Gelasius)
  • 1208 Clemens Ó Sniadaig OCist
  • 1220 Connmach Ó Torpaig (Carus)
  • 1226 Gilla Isu Ó Cleirig (Gelasius)
  • 1237 Tomas Ó Ruadhan
  • 1238 Oengus Ó Clumain (Elias)
  • 1251 Tomas Ó Maicin
  • 1266 Tomas Ó Miadachain (Dionysus)
  • 1286 Benedict Ó Bracain
  • 1312 David I of Kilheny
  • 1348 David II
  • 1348 Nicol alias Muircheartach Ó hEadhra OCist
  • 1374 William Andrew OP
  • 1385 Simon OCist
  • circa 1390 Tomas mac Muirgheasa MacDonn-chadha
  • 1401 Brian mac Seaain Ó hEadhra
  • 1410 Maghnus Ó h Eadhra
  • 1424 Donatus
  • 1424 Richard Belmer OP
  • 1436 Tadhg Ó Dalaigh OP
  • 1442 James Blakedon OP
  • 1449 Cornelius O Mochain OCist
  • 1463 Brian Ó hEasdhra (Benedictus)
  • 1470 Nicholas Forden
  • 1475 Robert Wellys OFM
  • 1484 Thomas FitzRichard
  • 1484 Tomas Ó Conghalain
  • 1489 John Bustamente
  • 1492 Thomas Ford OSA
  • 1508 Eugenius Ó Flannagain OP
  • 1522 Cormac Ó Snighe
  • 1522 - 1547 Sedis vacancy
  • 1547 - 1555 Thomas O Fihilly
  • 1556-1561 Cormac O'Coyn OP
  • 1562-1603 Eugene O'Harte OP
  • 1603 - 1629 Sedis vacancy
    • 1629 - ... Andrew Lynch ( Vicar Apostolic )
    • 1631 - 1662 James Fallon (Vicar Apostolic)
    • 1677 - ... Maurice Durcan (Vicar Apostolic)
  • 1684 - 1725 Hugh MacDermot (before 1707 Vicar Apostolic)
  • 1725--1735 Dominic O'Daly OP
  • 1735-1739 John O'Hart
  • 1739 - 1758 Walter Blake
  • 1758 - 1776 Patrick Robert Kirwan
  • 1776 - 1785 Philip Phillips
  • 1785 - 1787 Boetius Egan
  • 1788-1803 Thomas O'Connor
  • 1803-1808 Charles Lynagh (Lynan)
  • 1809-1817 John O'Flynn
  • 1818-1852 Patrick MacNicholas
  • 1852-1875 Patrick Durcan
  • 1875-1887 Francis McCormack
  • 1888-1911 John Lyster
  • 1911-1946 Patrick Morrisroe
  • 1947--1976 James Fergus
  • 1976 - 2007 Thomas Flynn
  • 2007-2017 Brendan Kelly
  • since 2020 Paul Dempsey