List of ground monuments in Bergneustadt

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Coat of arms of Bergneustadt

The list of ground monuments in Bergneustadt contains the listed underground structures , remains of above-ground structures, evidence of animal and plant life and paleontological remains in the area of ​​the city of Bergneustadt in the Oberbergisches Kreis in North Rhine-Westphalia (as of January 2015). These ground monuments are entered in part B of the list of monuments of the city of Bergneustadt; The basis for the admission is the Monument Protection Act North Rhine-Westphalia (DSchG NRW).


  • Image: shows a picture of the ground monument
  • Designation: gives the name or the designation of the ground monument
  • Location: indicates the district, if available, also the street and house number of the ground monument and the location on a map
  • Description: provides further information on the ground monument
  • Construction time: indicates the period of construction
  • Registered since: indicates the date of entry in the list of monuments
  • Monument number: indicates the number of the ground monument with which it is in the monument list

List of ground monuments in Bergneustadt

image designation location description construction time Registered
Cart tracks

See also