List of ground monuments in Havelsee

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The list of ground monuments in Havelsee contains all ground monuments of the Brandenburg municipality of Havelsee and its districts based on the state monument list of December 31, 2015.

The architectural monuments are listed in the list of architectural monuments in Havelsee .

District Hall Brief address number description image
Briest 2 Slavic Middle Ages settlement 30852
Briest 1 Bronze Age burial ground 30853
Briest 2 Bronze Age burial ground , Slavic Middle Ages grave 30854
Briest, Fohrde 1, 7 Settlement of the Slavic Middle Ages, individual finds from the Roman Empire 30859
Fohrde 1 Village center modern times , village center German Middle Ages 30424
Fohrde 9 Iron Age settlement , Bronze Age burial ground, Slavic Middle Ages settlement, Bronze Age settlement 30855
Fohrde 6th Prehistory and early history settlement, individual finds from the Neolithic 30856
Fohrde 9 Bronze Age settlement, Iron Age settlement, Neolithic settlement 30858
Fohrde 9 Bronze Age burial ground 30860
Fohrde 3 Bronze Age burial ground, Roman Empire burial ground, Iron Age burial ground 30864 During excavations on the Gallberg, several urn grave fields were found around the hill. Graves dating from the late Bronze Age to the pre-Roman Iron Age were discovered in the south and south-west. A burial ground was found on the northern slope, which can be dated to the early Roman Empire. And graves dating from the transition from the pre-Roman Iron Age to the early Imperial Era and the late Roman Imperial Era were discovered on the northeast and southeast slopes.
see Gallberg (Havelsee)
Fohrde 3 Bronze Age burial ground 30865
Fohrde 2 Bronze Age settlement 30866
Fohrde 9 Iron Age Settlement, Modern Age Village, Middle Ages Village, Bronze Age Settlement 31096
Fohrde, Pritzerbe 1, 8, 1 Settlement of the Slavic Middle Ages, desertification of the German Middle Ages, rest and work area Mesolithic 30424
Hohenferchesar 1 Slavic Middle Ages settlement, Roman Imperial Age settlement, Modern Age village center, Iron Age settlement, Bronze Age settlement, German Middle Ages village center 30344
Hohenferchesar 1 Iron Age burial ground, Bronze Age burial ground, Slavic Middle Ages settlement 30377
Hohenferchesar, Pritzerbe 2, 16 Neolithic settlement 30880
Marzahne 1 Prehistory settlement , modern village center, German medieval village center 30144
Splatter leg 2 Slavic Middle Ages settlement, German Middle Ages village center, Modern village center 30600
Splatter leg 1 Castle German Middle Ages, Grave Bronze Age, Old Town German Middle Ages, Settlement Slavic Middle Ages, Settlement Bronze Age, Castle Wall Slavic Middle Ages, Old Town Modern Age 30603 The Pritzerbe Castle is the stables of a former episcopal Niederungsburg. This was in the angle between the Havel and the Pritzerber See and was built to control the river and the road between the cities of Brandenburg and Havelberg. Due to the favorable location, the important ferry connection across the lake could be monitored along the road. A part of the Pritzerbe Castle that is still visible today is the later Mühlenberg on the southern border of the town.
see Pritzerbe Castle
Splatter leg 13 Village core German Middle Ages, desertification German Middle Ages, village core modern times 30611
Splatter leg 2 Bronze Age settlement, Roman imperial settlement 30867
Splatter leg 3 Iron Age settlement, rest and work area Mesolithic 30874
Splatter leg 17th Iron Age burial ground 30876
Splatter leg 15th Iron Age burial ground 30877
Splatter leg 15th Neolithic settlement 30878
Splatter leg 16 Neolithic settlement 30879
Splatter leg 8th Neolithic settlement 30881
Splatter leg 8th Neolithic settlement 30882
Splatter leg 7th Neolithic settlement, Bronze Age burial ground 30883
Splatter leg 7th Bronze Age burial ground, Neolithic settlement 30884
Splatter leg 15th Bronze Age burial ground 30885
Splatter leg 15, 17 Bronze Age burial ground 30886
Splatter leg 15th Slavic Middle Ages settlement, Bronze Age burial ground, resting and work area Mesolithic 30887
Splatter leg 11 Tumulus Bronze Age 30888
Splatter leg 11 Rest and work area Mesolithic 30889
Splatter leg 6th Prehistory and early history settlement 30892
Splatter leg 6th Neolithic settlement 30893
Splatter leg 18th Bronze Age burial ground 30894
Splatter leg 1, 15 Bronze Age Settlement, Medieval Settlement, Iron Age Settlement 30895
Splatter leg 1, 15 Bronze Age settlement, Iron Age settlement 30896

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