List of the presidents of the civic community in Bern

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Logo of the Burgergemeinde Bern (2013)

The list of the presidents of the civic council in Bern shows all presidents of the civic council and presidents of the civic community in Bern in chronological order .

Abbreviations for party affiliation

  • VBB: Association of Citizens of Bern
  • StBV: Stadtbernischer Burgerverband

List of Presidents of the Citizens' Council

Surname direction Term of office Born Died
Albrecht Viktor von Tavel 1850-1853 1791 1854
Rudolf August von Tscharner 1853-1865 1804 1882
Ferdinand Johann Rudolf von Sinner 1866-1888 1831 1901
Bernhard Studer 1889 1820 1911
Alexander Ludwig Amedée von Muralt 1890-1909 1829 1909
Karl David Friedrich von Fischer 1909-1933 1865 1953
Roger Marcuard 1934-1941 1870 1950
Friedrich von Fischer 1942-1946 1885 1946
Albrecht von Graffenried StBV 1946-1961 1892 1976
Hans Weyermann VBB 1962-1968 1895 1989
Georges Thormann StBV 1969-1984 1912 2000
Hans Wildbolz VBB 1985-1990 1919 1997
Rudolf von Fischer StBV 1991-1997 1929 2017

List of the presidents of the civic community

Surname Party / direction Term of office Born Died
Kurt Hauri VBB 1998-2003 1936 2009
Franz von Graffenried StBV 2003-2010 1941 2018
Rolf Dähler VBB 2010-2017 1947
Bernhard Ludwig StBV 2017– 1953


Individual evidence

  1. Archived copy ( memento of the original dated August 29, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /