List of speed skating world records over 100 meters women

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This list contains all the world records in speed skating over 100 meters for women recognized by the International Skating Union .

World records for women over 100 meters
No. sportswoman time date place particularities Duration
1 RussiaRussia Svetlana Zjurova 10.31 January 10, 2003 Utah Olympic Oval H III, Bh, Ek 4 years and 53 days
2 GermanyGermany Jenny Wolf 10.28 March 4, 2007 Olympic oval H III, Bh, Ek 0 years and 287 days

GermanyGermany Jenny Wolf 10.13 November 16, 2007 Olympic oval H III, Bh, Ek 500 meter approach
3 GermanyGermany Jenny Wolf 10.22 December 16, 2007 Gunda-Niemann-Stirnemann Hall HI, Bh, Ek 1 year and 81 days
Reigning speed skating world record holder over 100 meters
4th GermanyGermany Jenny Wolf 10.21 March 7, 2009 Utah Olympic Oval H III, Bh, Ek 11 years and 178 days

Unofficial best.

  • As of September 27, 2013
The abbreviations in "special features" mean
  • H = altitude of the railway; HI = up to 500 meters, H II = over 500 meters, H III = over 1000 meters
  • B = track layout; Bf = open air (open), Bh = indoor track, Bm = mix (semi-open, covered track)
  • E = ice; Ek = artificial (cooling system), En = natural ice (without technical cooling system)

See also

Individual evidence

  1. World records on