List of the princes of Pereyaslavl

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The list of the princes of Pereyaslavl lists the princes of the subductality of Pereyaslavl (1054-1363) in the Kievan Rus , a large medieval empire.


The Principality of Pereyaslavl was detached from the Principality of Kiev in 1054 after the death of Yaroslav the Wise and given to his son Vsevolod. In 1239 Pereyaslavl and the principality were conquered by the Golden Horde . After that it again belonged to the territory of the Principality of Kiev. In 1321 Grand Duke Gediminas of Lithuania conquered the area.


  • Vsevolod Yaroslavich (1054-1073)
  • Rostislav Vsevolodowitsch (1078-1093)
  • Vladimir Wsevolodowitsch Monomakh (1094–1113)
  • Svyatoslav Vladimirovich (1113–1114)
  • Jaropolk Vladimirovich (1114–1132)
  • Vsevolod Mstislavich (1132)
  • Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky (1132)
  • Isjaslav Mstislavich (1133)
  • Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (1134)
  • Yuri Dolgoruki (1135)
  • Andrej Vladimirovich Dobryj (1135–1141)
  • Isjaslav Mstislavich (1141–1146)
  • Mstislav Isjaslavich (1146–1149)
  • Rostislav Jurjewitsch (1149–1151)
  • Mstislav Isjaslavich (1151–1154)
  • Gleb Jurjewitsch (1154–1169)
  • Vladimir Glebowitsch (1169–1187)
  • Yaroslav Matislawitsch Krasnyj (1187–1199)
  • Yaroslav Vsevolodovich (1200–1206)
  • Mikhail Vsevolodovich (1206)
  • Vladimir Ryurikovich (1206-1213)
  • Vladimir Vsevolodovich (1213-1215)
  • Vsevolod Konstantinovich (1227)
  • Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich (1228?)
  • ??
  • Oleg (-1321)