List of the kings of Tiryns

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Proitos is considered to be the founder of the royal family of the city of Tiryns in ancient Greece . Perseus founded the city of Mycenae - but it is not known whether he also moved the seat of government there. Eurystheus has been referred to as both king of Tiryns and of Mycenae. His successors only carried the title of King of Mycenae .

Mythical kings

Surname Domination son of
Proitus 14th century BC Chr. Abas (Argos) and Aglaia (daughter of Mantineus)
Megapenthes 14th century BC Chr. Proitus (son of Abas) and Anteia (Stheneboia)
Perseus 14th century BC Chr. Zeus and Danaë
Alcaios 14th century BC Chr. Perseus (son of Zeus) and Andromeda
Amphitryon 14th century BC Chr. Alkaios (Tiryns)
Sthenelos 14th century BC Chr. Perseus (son of Zeus) and Andromeda
Eurystheus 14th / 13th century BC Chr. Sthenelos (son of Perseus) and Nikippe (daughter of Pelops)

See also