Sthenelos (son of Perseus)

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Sthenelos ( Greek  Σθένελος ), the son of Perseus and Andromeda , was king of Tiryns in Greek mythology . According to the library of Apollodorus (2, 5, 9), Sthenelus, like his brother Alkaius , was the son of Androgeus , son of Minos .

After the death of his father, his brother Elektryon received the parts of Midea and Mycenae , his other brother Alkaios received Tiryns. Alkaius' son Amphitryon succeeded his father in Tiryns and received the rest of the land from Elektryon. However, when he accidentally killed Elektryon, his uncle Sthenelos took this as an opportunity to banish him in order to ascend the throne himself.

Sthenelos married Nikippe , daughter of Pelops , or Artibia (or Antibia), daughter of Amphidamas, or Amphibia , daughter of Pelops, or Menippe or Calliphobe (?) And fathered Alkyone , Medusa and Eurystheus , as well as the Argonaut Iphis (or Iphitus) . According to Hyginus Mythographus , he was killed in old age by Hyllos , the son of Heracles .



predecessor Office successor
Amphitryon King of Tiryns
14th century BC BC
(mythical chronology)
Amphitryon King of Mycenae
14th century BC BC
(mythical chronology)