List of the kings of Mycenae

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Perseus , the mythical king of Tiryns , founded the city of Mycenae and is considered the first king of Mycenae - it is not known whether he also moved the seat of government there.

Mythical kings

Surname Domination son of
Perseus 14th century BC Chr. Zeus and Danae
Electryon 14th century BC Chr. Perseus (son of Zeus) and Andromeda
Amphitryon 14th century BC Chr. Alkaios (Tiryns) and Astydameia
Sthenelos 14th century BC Chr. Perseus (son of Zeus) and Andromeda
Eurystheus 13th century BC Chr. Sthenelos (son of Perseus) and Nikippe (daughter of Pelops)
Atreus 13th century BC Chr. Pelops and Hippodameia (Pisa)
Thyestes 13th century BC Chr. Pelops and Hippodameia (Pisa)
Agamemnon 12th century BC Chr. Atreus and Aërope
Aigisthus 12th century BC Chr. Thyestes and Pelopeia (Mycenae)
Aletes or Menelaus 12th century BC Chr. Aigisthos or Atreus and Aërope
Orestes 12th century BC Chr. Agamemnon and Clytaimnestra
Tisamenos 12th century BC Chr. Orestes and Hermione (daughter of Menelaus)

After the conquest by Temenos , the country was added to the Argives and ruled from there.

See also