List of the kings of Argos

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The following list shows the mythical kings of the Greek city ​​of Argos from ancient times.

Mythical kings

Surname Domination son of
Inachos 19th century BC Chr. Oceanus and Tethys
Phoroneus 19th century BC Chr. River god Inachus and nymph Melia
Apis 18th century BC Chr. Phoroneus and nymph Teledike
Argos End of 18th – middle of 17th century BC Chr. Zeus and Niobe (daughter of Phoroneus)
Kriasos Mid 17th – early 16th century BC Chr. Argos and Euadne (daughter of Strymon)
Phorbas 16th century BC Chr. Argos or Kriasos
Triopas 16th century BC Chr. Phorbas and Euboea
Iasos 16th century BC Chr. Triopas and Soïs
Krotopos 16th century BC Chr. Agenor
Sthenelas 15th century BC Chr. Krotopos
Pelasgos or Gelanor 15th century BC Chr. Plaichthon or Sthenelas
Danaos 15th century BC Chr. Belos and Anchinoe
Lynkeus 15th century BC Chr. Aegyptus and Argyphia
Abas 14th century BC Chr. Lynkeus (son of Aegyptus) and Hypermestra
Proitus 14th century BC Chr. Abas and Aglaia (daughter of Mantineus)
Akrisios 14th century BC Chr. Abas and Aglaia (daughter of Mantineus)
Perseus 14th century BC Chr. Zeus and Danae
Megapenthes 14th century BC Chr. Proitus (son of Abas) and Stheneboia
Argeus 14th century BC Chr. Megapenthes (son of Proitus)

Tripartite rule

Anaxagorids Biantides Melampids Domination
Anaxagoras Bias Melampus 13th century BC Chr.
Alektor Talaos Antiphates 13th century BC Chr.
Oikles 13th century BC Chr.
Iphis Adrastos Amphiaraos 13th century BC Chr.
Sthenelos Diomedes 13th century BC Chr.
Kyanippos 12th century BC Chr.
Kylarabes Amphilochus 12th century BC Chr.
Orestes 12th century BC Chr.
Tisamenos 12th century BC Chr.


Surname Domination son of
Temenos 11th century BC Chr. Aristomachus
Keisos 11th century BC Chr. Temenos
Medon 11th century BC Chr. Keisos
Maroon 10th century BC Chr. Keisos
Thestros (Thestios) 10th century BC Chr. Maroon
Akoos or Merops 10th century BC Chr. Thestros
Aristodamidas 9th century BC Chr. Akoos or Merops
Pheidon 9th century BC Chr. Aristodamidas
Leokedes 8th century BC Chr. Pheidon
Meltas 8th century BC Chr. Leokedes
Damokratidas 8th century BC Chr. -
Aigon 8th century BC Chr. -

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