Agenor (son of Triopas)

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Agenor ( ancient Greek Ἀγήνωρ ) is a son of the Argive king Triopas and brother of Iasus in Greek mythology . His son Krotopus succeeded Iasus on the throne of Argos.

In a scholion of Hellanikos he is the younger brother of Iasus and Pelasgos . While the older brothers ruled Argos, Agenor invaded the neighboring lands as head of his father's cavalry. A Scholion to Orestes des Euripides names him alongside Iasos, Pelasgos and Xanthos as the son of Triopas with Soïs.


Individual evidence

  1. Pausanias 2:16 , 1.
  2. Hellanikos, fragments of the Greek historians 4 F 36a and 36b (Scholion zu Iliad 3, 75).
  3. Scholion to Eur. Orestes. 920; see also Hyginus Mythographus , Fabulae 145.