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Talaos ( Greek  Ταλαός , Latin Talaus ) is a figure from Greek mythology . He was the son of Bias and Pero . Depending on the tradition, Eurynome , daughter of Iphitos , Lysimache , daughter of Abas or Lysianassa , daughter of Polybos is named as the wife of Talaos. His children were Adrastus , Astynomials , Parthenopaios , Pronax , Mekisteus , Aristomachos, Hippomedon and Eriphyle .

Talaos was king of Argos from the house of the Biantides and took part in the Argonaut procession. After his death he was buried in Argos and his son Adrastos took over the rule.



predecessor Office successor
List of the kings of Argos
13th century BC Chr.
(Fictional chronology)