Antiphates (Argos)

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Antiphates ( Greek  Ἀντιφάτης ), the son of Melampus and Iphianassa or Iphianeira, brother of Mantios , was king of Argos in Greek mythology . With his wife Zeuxippe , daughter of the Hippocoon , he fathered two sons, Oikles and Amphalke . After his death, Oicles ascended the throne of Argos.

Antiphates is not explicitly referred to as king in the ancient sources. However, Pausanias mentions that from Melampus to Amphilochus, six Melampids ruled Argos in four generations. For this reason, it is assumed that, as the son of King Melampus and grandfather of King Amphiaraos, he also belongs to the ranks of the kings of Argos.



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pausanias, Travels in Greece , 2, 18, 4.
  2. Carl Robert : Oidipus, History of a Poetic Material in Ancient Greece , Volume 2, Berlin 1915, pp. 49-50 ( online )
predecessor Office successor
Melampus King of Argos
13th century BC Chr.
(Fictional chronology)