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Mantios ( Greek  Μάντιος ) is a person from Greek mythology .

He was the son of the ancient seer and doctor Melampus and Iphianassa or Iphianeira. His brother was Antiphates , father of Oikles ; Bias, Manto and Pronoe are also mentioned as further siblings.

Mantios became the father of Clitus and Polypheides . Because of its beauty, Clitus was kidnapped by Eos to the seat of the gods. Polypheides in turn continued the tradition of the Melampid family and became a seer. After falling out with Mantios, he left Argos and moved to Hyperesia , where he directed an oracle of Apollo .

Pausanias also names Oikles as the son of Mantios, who, however, was his nephew after Homer.



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pausanias, Helládos Periēgēsis 6, 17, 6.