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Oikles ( Greek  Οἰκλῆς ) is the son of Antiphates and Zeuxippe in Greek mythology . Pausanias calls him a son of Mantios , a brother of Antiphates. The statement by Diodorus that he was a son of Amphiaraoh is probably due to a mistake, since he was his son.

After Antiphates he became king of Argos and married Hypermestra , the daughter of Thestius and the eurythemist. With her he begat the Amphiaraos , the Endeos, the Iphianeira and the Polyboia .

He accompanied Heracles when he went against the Trojan king Laomedon . While Heracles marched on Troy, Oicles guarded the ships. Laomedon wanted to destroy the ships of the Greeks and advanced against Oikles, killed him and destroyed the ships. According to another tradition, Oikles survived and settled in Arcadia after the war . For example, Apollodor reports that Alkmaion , fleeing from the Erinyes , stayed with him for a short time in Arcadia and Pausanias was shown his grave in Arcadia.

Sophocles wrote a tragedy Oikles .



predecessor Office successor
King of Argos
13th century BC BC
(mythical chronology)