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Hyllos ( Greek  Ὕλλος ), Latin Hyllus , is the eldest son of Herakles and Deianeira , according to one version also the son of Melite . Hyllos is one of the Heraclids . He is married to Iole and had with her the son Cleiodaios . The nurse Abia raised him. Eurystheus, still looking for revenge after the death of Heracles, persecuted the Heraclids. Among them was Hyllos. First they fled to King Keyx in Trachis , then to Athens . Since the Heraclids wanted to recapture the Peloponnese , a fight broke out, with Hyllos killing Eurystheus . Hyllos died in a duel with Echemos . He was buried in Megara .


Web links

  • Hyllus in the Greek Myth Index (English)
  • Heracleidai in the Greek Myth Index (English)

Individual evidence

  1. a b Library of Apollodorus 2, 7.
  2. Apollonios of Rhodes : Argonautica 4, 537-543.
  3. Herodotus : Historien 8, 131.
  4. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 2, 8.
  5. Herodotus : Histories 9, 26.
  6. Pausanias : Description of Greece 1, 41, 2.