Abia (mythology)

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Abia ( ancient Greek Ἀβία ) is in Greek mythology the nurse of the Herakleiden Glenos , a son of Heracles and Deianeira .

After Hyllos , the leader of the Dorians during the Doric migration and brother of Glenos, is thrown back from the Peloponnese , Abia takes refuge in the city ​​in Messenia, known since Homer as Ira ( Ἰρή ), and erects a sanctuary for Heracles. After the Peloponnese were taken by the Dorians, the city of Kresphontes was renamed Abia in honor of Abia .

The city later formed the border between Messenia and Laconia .



  1. Homer Iliad 9,150.
  2. Pausanias 4:30, 1.