List of the members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina / 1759

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The list of members of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina for 1759 contains all persons who were appointed members in 1759. There were a total of six newly elected members.


No. Surname nickname Born admission Died image Database
625 Franz Rudolf von Schwachheim Pittacus Dec 1731 March 3 Oct 9, 1804 6593
626 Zacharias Vogel Nymphodorus III. Apr 19, 1708 Jun 17 Apr 18, 1772 Zacharias Vogel 7073
627 Johann Friedrich Hoffmann Caesius Mutinensis II. Feb. 22, 1710 Oct 6 Oct 28, 1759 1924
628 Johann Heinrich Lange Telamon II Aug 26, 1732 Oct 14 Nov 10, 1779 4839
629 Hermann Ernst Rumpel Aristoxenus Feb. 24, 1734 Oct 18 Feb 13, 1794 2509
630 Johann Friedrich Glaser Moschion III. 3rd Sep 1707 Nov 8 7th Dec 1789 2943

Note on the life data

The list initially includes the life data according to the Leopoldina archive. These refer to the information according to Neigebaur (1860) and Ule (1889). The life dates in the name article can therefore differ from the life dates in the list.


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