List of members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina / 1970

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The list of members of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina for 1970 lists all persons who were appointed to members in 1970. In total there were sixty-nine newly elected members.

Newly elected members in 1970

No.* Surname Born admission Died section image Database
Albrecht Beickert Oct 18, 1920 May 12, 1974 Internal Medicine Albrecht Beickert
Lothar Berg July 28, 1930 July 27, 2015 mathematics Lothar Berg
Jacques Bernheim 1924 2008 Pathology and forensic medicine Jacques Bernheim
Heinz Bielka March 19, 1929 Genetics / Molecular Biology and Cell Biology Heinz Bielka
Rezsö Bognár 1913 1990 chemistry Rezsö Bognár
George H. Cady Jan. 10, 1906 March 18, 1993 chemistry George H. Cady
José Casanovas 1905 1994 Ophthalmology José Casanovas
Torbjörn Caspersson Oct 15, 1910 Dec 7, 1997 Anatomy and anthropology Torbjörn Caspersson
Arnt Eliassen 1915 2000 earth sciences Arnt Eliassen
Gábor Farkas 1925 1986 Agricultural Sciences Gábor Farkas
Walter Frommhold Aug 28, 1921 Sep 18 2010 radiology Walter Frommhold
Viktor M. Gluškov Aug 24, 1923 Jan. 30, 1982 mathematics Viktor M. Gluškov
Gerhard Grimm 1926 1996 Stomatology Gerhard Grimm
Hans Gross Oct. 30, 1928 July 14, 2017 chemistry Hans Gross
Heinrich Harms Feb 5, 1908 Nov 26, 2003 Ophthalmology, Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Stomatology Heinrich Harms
Gerhard Heidelmann 1918 2000 Internal medicine and dermatology Gerhard Heidelmann
Joseph Heremans 1927 1975 Internal Medicine Joseph Heremans
Benno Hess 1922 2002 Biochemistry and biophysics Benno Hess
Helmut Holzer June 14, 1921 22 Aug 1997 Biochemistry and biophysics Helmut Holzer
Otto Hug July 26, 1913 March 22, 1978 Medical radiology and nuclear medicine Otto Hug
Hugo Husslein 1908 1985 Obstetrics and Gynecology Hugo Husslein
Alfred Chancellor May 3, 1902 Jan. 7, 1984 physics Alfred Kastler (1966) Alfred Chancellor
Wolf D. Keidel Dec 14, 1917 Jan. 17, 2011 Physiology and Pharmacology / Toxicology Wolf D. Keidel
Richard Kepp Feb 7, 1912 Feb 5, 1984 Obstetrics and Gynecology Richard Kepp
Heinrich Kindler Nov 29, 1909 Feb 23, 1985 physics Heinrich Kindler
Walter Cherry June 21, 1920 June 30, 2008 Anatomy and anthropology Walter Cherry
Kirill Y. Kondratyev June 14, 1920 May 1, 2006 earth sciences Kirill Y. Kondratyev
Ljubomir Krastanov Nov 15, 1908 May 3, 1977 Geophysics and meteorology Ljubomir Krastanov
Karl-Ernst Kruger 1918 1976 Ophthalmology Karl-Ernst Kruger
Dorothea Kuhn March 11, 1923 Dec 13, 2015 History of science and medicine Dorothea Kuhn
Aleksandre G. Kuroš Jan. 19, 1908 18th May 1971 mathematics Aleksandre G. Kuroš
Wilhelm Chamberlain July 23, 1905 Aug 15, 1994 mathematics Wilhelm Chamberlain
Otto Käser 1913 1995 Obstetrics and Gynecology Otto Käser
Carl-Bertil Laurell 1919 2001 Internal medicine and dermatology Carl-Bertil Laurell
Widukind Lenz Feb. 4, 1919 Feb 25, 1995 anthropology Widukind Lenz
André Lwoff May 8, 1902 Sep 30 1994 Microbiology and immunology André Lwoff André Lwoff
Martin Lüscher June 4, 1917 Aug 9, 1979 zoology Martin Lüscher
Anton Mayr Feb 6, 1922 Apr 12, 2014 Veterinary medicine Anton Mayr
Fritz Meissner Oct. 31, 1920 Jan. 16, 2004 Surgery, orthopedics and anesthesiology Fritz Meissner
Solomon G. Michlin Apr 23, 1908 Aug 30, 1990 mathematics Solomon Grigoryevich Michlin Solomon G. Michlin
Walter H. Munk Oct 19, 1917 Feb. 8, 2019 earth sciences Walter Munk (2010) Walter H. Munk
Rudolf L. Moessbauer Jan. 31, 1929 Sep 14 2011 physics Rudolf Mößbauer (1961) Rudolf L. Moessbauer
Karl Nickel Feb 9, 1924 Jan. 1, 2009 mathematics Karl Nickel (1974) Karl Nickel
Klaus Oswatitsch March 10, 1910 Aug 1, 1993 physics Klaus Oswatitsch
Guy Ourisson March 26, 1926 Nov 3, 2006 chemistry Guy Ourisson
Matti K. Paasonen 1925 2005 Physiology and Pharmacology / Toxicology Matti K. Paasonen
Roland Paetzold July 13, 1931 July 1982 chemistry Roland Paetzold
Hanno Poppe 1921 1983 Medical radiology and nuclear medicine Hanno Poppe
Lord George Porter Dec 6, 1920 Aug 31, 2002 physics George Porter Lord George Porter
Ilya Prigogine Jan. 25, 1917 May 28, 2003 physics Ilya Prigogine (1977) Ilya Prigogine
Magda Radnót 1911 1989 Ophthalmology Magda Radnót
Horst Reinbothe 1931 1983 botany Horst Reinbothe
Hans Sautter 1912 1984 Ophthalmology Hans Sautter
Alfred Schellenberger Nov 14, 1928 Biochemistry and biophysics Alfred Schellenberger
Leopold Butterer Nov 8, 1919 Aug 24, 2004 mathematics Leopold Butterer (1987) Leopold Butterer
Heinrich Schmidt-Matthiesen March 28, 1923 May 4, 2006 Gynecology and Pediatrics Heinrich Schmidt-Matthiesen
Gert-Horst Schumacher May 21, 1925 Jan. 13, 2017 Anatomy and anthropology Gert-Horst Schumacher
Claude E. Shannon Apr 30, 1916 Feb. 24, 2001 mathematics Claude Shannon (around 1963) Claude E. Shannon
Wolfgang Spann Aug 29, 1921 Jan. 11, 2013 Pathology and forensic medicine Wolfgang Spann
Günther Sterba May 20, 1922 Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Günther Sterba Günther Sterba
Verner E. Suomi Dec 6, 1915 July 30, 1995 Geophysics and meteorology Verner E. Suomi
Hermann Taatz 1925 1992 Stomatology Hermann Taatz
Rudolf Thauer Sep 24 1906 March 20, 1986 physiology Rudolf Thauer Rudolf Thauer
Valeria A. Troitskaya Nov 28, 1917 Jan. 21, 2010 earth sciences Valery Alexeyevna Troitskaya Valeria A. Troitskaya
Emil Weinig July 6, 1904 Jan. 1, 1979 Forensic Medicine Emil Weinig
Alexander Wiener March 16, 1907 Nov 6, 1976 Forensic Medicine Alexander Wiener
Horst T. Witt March 1, 1922 May 14, 2007 Biochemistry and biophysics Horst T. Witt
Josef Zander June 19, 1918 Dec. 1, 2007 Gynecology and Pediatrics Josef Zander
Jaroslav Švejda 1915 1986 pathology Jaroslav Švejda
* The Martrikel numbers and the exact election date of the listed academy members cannot be found in the academy's online membership directory. Academic titles can be viewed in the membership directory.

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