List of members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina / 1749

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The list of members of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina for 1749 contains all persons who were appointed members in 1749. There were a total of five newly elected members.


No. Surname nickname Born admission Died image Database
555 Caspar Leopold Kirchschlager Demetrius II 1696 Aug 12 May 13, 1755 4604
556 Georg Leonhard Huth Hygienus III. March 29, 1705 22 Aug 1761 3943
557 Saverio Manetti Theophrastus Eresius III. Nov 12, 1723 28 Aug Nov 12, 1784 5510
558 Johann Wilhelm Widmann Dieuches II. 1721 Sep 10 1766 7269
559 Cromwell Mortimer Nigidius Figulus II. Oct 16 Jan 15, 1752 5736

Note on the life data

The list initially includes the life data according to the Leopoldina archive. The life dates in the name article can therefore differ from the life dates in the list.


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