Albrecht Beickert

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Albrecht Beickert (born October 18, 1920 in Aschaffenburg ; † May 12, 1974 in Dresden ) was a German internist .

life and work

Albrecht Beickert was born in Aschaffenburg in 1920 as the son of a businessman. He spent his childhood in Weimar and attended school here. In 1939 Beickert began studying medicine in Freiburg im Breisgau . Later drafted into the Wehrmacht, he came to Holland until he was able to continue his medical studies in Jena and graduate in 1945.

He received his internal training at the University Clinic in Jena from Walter Brednow . He remained on friendly terms with him until death. Beickert completed his habilitation in Jena in 1953 and was appointed professor in 1959.

From 1961 to 1974 Albrecht Beickert was chief physician in charge of the 1st Medical Clinic at the Dresden-Friedrichstadt Hospital . In 1970 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina Scholars' Academy .

Beickert dealt very intensively with the pathogenesis and immunology of collagenoses, with lupus erythematosus becoming the focus of his interest.

In 1962 the first German monograph on the lupus erythematosus phenomenon and the antinuclear factors appeared.

This was followed in 1964 by a monograph on the glucocorticoid therapy of internal diseases.

"Even after the fall of the Wall, the book was the standard work for doctors from the" Eastern Bloc ", the" Bible "so to speak, for treatment with drugs from the group of adrenal hormones."

Gravesite cemetery Dresden-Dölzschen

- HEINRICH GEIDEL : Everyday, remarkable, amusing, 2014

In 1971 he published a book on the advanced therapy of heart failure, because Beickert was also well versed in the cardiological field. During his time in Dresden, Beickert was a non-full-time member of the teaching staff for student training at the Dresden Medical Academy.

“Teaching at a university appropriate to his academic achievements had to be limited to courses in auscultation and percussion. His distance from the politics of the GDR, which he was critical of with personal integrity, no longer allowed. Uncompromising sincerity did not suit the political situation. He was often invited to academic lectures in western countries that he was not allowed to follow. "

- PETER KUNZE: From the aristocratic palace to the municipal clinic, 1999

In addition to the books mentioned, Beickert published over 80 scientific papers.

Since 1960 Beickert suffered from a polyvalent allergy. He treated himself with corticosteroids, which resulted in severe osteoporosis. His own medical history can be found under his publications. Albrecht Beickert succumbed to complications from his chronic illness in 1974. He was looked after by his senior physician Heinrich Geidel for many years .

Beickert showed great interest in the fine arts in East Germany. This led u. a. on friendships with Gerhard Altenbourg , Hermann Glöckner , Albert Wigand , Carlfriedrich Claus , Bernhard Kretzschmar and the art historian Werner Schmidt .

Fonts (selection)

  • The Lupus Erythematosus Phenomenon and Antinuclear Factors. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag , Jena 1962 (2nd edition 1974)
  • Glucocorticoid therapy for internal diseases. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1964 (2nd edition 1968)
  • Advanced therapy for heart failure. VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1971


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Member entry of Albrecht Beickert at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on September 27, 2017.