List of the Monuments historiques in Maimbeville

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The list of Monuments historiques in Maimbeville lists the Monuments historiques in the French commune of Maimbeville .

List of structures

designation description Location Labelling Protection status date image
St Martin Church Built in the 16th century

( Location ) PA00114736 Classé 1950 Maimbeville (Oise) - Église Saint-Martin, vue générale.JPG
more pictures

List of objects

designation description Location Labelling Protection status date image
pulpit Wood, second half of the 18th century

in the church of St-Martin
( Lage )
PM60005340 Inscrit 2018 Maimbeville (60), église Saint-Martin, chaire à prêcher 1.jpg
Lectern with an eagle Wood, 18th century

in the church of St-Martin
( Lage )
PM60005374 Inscrit 2018 Maimbeville (60), église Saint-Martin, lutrin 2.jpg
Bank of the Church Council Wood, second half of the 18th century

in the church of St-Martin
( Lage )
PM60005339 Inscrit 2018 Maimbeville (60), église Saint-Martin, lutrin 1.jpg
Sculpture group: St. Martin shares his cloak with a beggar Wood, first half of the 16th century

in the church of St-Martin
( Lage )
PM60001014 Classé 1960 Maimbeville (60), église Saint-Martin, groupe sculpté - Charité de Saint-Martin 1.jpg
Sculpture of Our Lady of Sorrows Oak wood, first half of the 16th century

in the church of St-Martin
( Lage )
PM60001015 Classé 1966 Maimbeville (60), église Saint-Martin, Vierge de douleur.jpg
Sculpture Christ on the cross Polychrome wood, 16th century

in the church of St-Martin
( Lage )
PM60005373 Inscrit 2018 Maimbeville (60), église Saint-Martin, Christ en croix.jpg
Bank of the Church Council Wood, 18th century

in the church of St-Martin
( Lage )
PM60005375 Inscrit 2018 Maimbeville (60), église Saint-Martin, banc d'œuvre 1.jpg
Wall covering and two retables Wood, 18th century

in the church of St-Martin
( Lage )
PM60004171 Inscrit 1991 Maimbeville (60), église Saint-Martin, lambris de l'abside 1.jpg

Web links

Commons : Maimbeville  - collection of images, videos and audio files