List of monuments historiques in Villebéon

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The list of monuments historiques in Villebéon includes the monuments historiques in the French commune of Villebéon .

List of structures

designation description Location Labelling Protection status date image
St Laurent Chapel Built in the second half of the 12th century

( Location ) PA00087318 Inscrit 1984 Villebéon-FR-77-Passy-chapelle-a3.jpg
more pictures

List of objects

For understanding see: Church furnishings


  • Le Patrimoine des Communes de la Seine-et-Marne . Flohic Editions, Volume 1, Paris 2001, ISBN 2-84234-100-7 , pp. 691-692.

Web links

Commons : Monuments historiques in Villebéon  - Collection of images, videos and audio files