List of natural monuments in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

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The list of natural monuments in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee lists the objects designated as natural monuments in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee in the federal state of Carinthia .

Natural monuments

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surface date
1Ash in Ponfeld
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Ash in Ponfeld KS 42KS 42 Klagenfurt , Felsenschmiedgasse
KG:  Grossponfeld
The expansive ash tree with a hollow trunk and spherical crown is a solitary tree that characterizes the locality. 314 m² 1995
1Lindenallee in Emmersdorf
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Lindenallee in Emmersdorf KS 45KS 45 Klagenfurt
KG:  Grossponfeld
The avenue of lime trees consists of around 70 summer and winter linden trees, which were up to 120 years old when they were placed under protection. 0.67 ha 2009
1Glacier cut on the Zillhöhe
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Glacier cut on the Zillhöhe KS 05KS 05 Klagenfurt
KG:  Gurlitsch I
Directly on the summit of the Zillhöhe is the glacial cut, which is made up of quartzite-rich phyllite . The entire dome is ground to a length of 40 meters and a width of 10 meters, the parallel cracks run in a south-easterly direction. 37 m² 1957
1Brick pond Hörtendorf Upload file Brick pond Hörtendorf KS 52KS 52 Klagenfurt
KG:  Hörtendorf
The brick pond with the surrounding wetland was created through clay mining. Different species of bats, yellow-bellied toads and bellied diaper snails live there . 0.85 ha 2009
1Winter lime tree on Villacher Ring
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Winter lime tree on Villacher Ring KS 53KS 53 Klagenfurt
KG:  Klagenfurt
The 200 year old winter linden tree is located on the site of the former inner courtyard of an inn. 314 m² 2009
1Copper beech on Valentin Leitgeb Street
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Copper beech on Valentin Leitgeb Street KS 41KS 41 Klagenfurt
KG:  Klagenfurt
The solitary tree with a sweeping crown is around 140 years old. 314 m² 1988
1English oak in the Schillerpark, "Schill Oak"
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English oak in the Schillerpark, "Schill Oak" KS 43KS 43 Klagenfurt
KG:  Klagenfurt
The pedunculate oak stands in Schillerpark, was planted in 1905 on the centenary of the poet's death, has a trunk circumference of 3.6 meters and a height of 27 meters. 200 m² 2009
1Sequoia in Landhauspark, primeval sequoia Upload file Sequoia in Landhauspark, primeval sequoia KS 48KS 48 Klagenfurt
KG:  Klagenfurt
The sequoia tree planted in the Landhauspark in 1960 has a height of 30 meters and a trunk circumference of six meters. 314 m² 2009
1Ginkgo tree in the country house park Upload file Ginkgo tree in the country house park KS 49KS 49 Klagenfurt
KG:  Klagenfurt
Embossing tree in the country house park 314 m² 2009
1Double yew tree in the Rauscherpark Upload file Double yew tree in the Rauscherpark KS 47KS 47 Klagenfurt , Völkermarkter Ring
KG:  Klagenfurt
The double-stemmed tree in Rauscherpark with a crown diameter of 12 meters is around 80 years old. 153 m² 2009
1European beech Völkermarkter Ring
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European beech Völkermarkter Ring KS 59 OEKS 59 OE Klagenfurt , Völkermarkter Ring
KG:  Klagenfurt
GrStNr: 54
The common beech is in a private car park in Klagenfurt / Völkermarkter Ring
1Luther oak
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Luther oak KS 66KS 66 Klagenfurt , Martin-Luther-Platz
KG:  Klagenfurt
GrStNr: .2098
The approximately 90-100-year-old English oak has a trunk circumference of 385 cm and a trunk height of 5 m. The crown diameter of the oak is 20 m. The tree has a total height of 28 m. 153 m² 2017
1Glacier cut on the Kreuzbergl
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Glacier cut on the Kreuzbergl KS 09KS 09 Klagenfurt
KG:  Klagenfurt
The flat-ground plate has a size of about two by one meter and is crossed by very clear cracks. 14 m² 1957
1Summer lime tree in the St. Georgen elementary school Upload file Summer lime tree in the St. Georgen elementary school KS 46KS 46 Klagenfurt
KG:  Marolla
The summer linden tree with a trunk circumference of almost 4 meters and a height of 23 meters is around 180 years old. 314 m² 2009
1English oak in Atschalas Upload file English oak in Atschalas KS 25KS 25 Klagenfurt
KG:  Marolla
The free-standing oak in the west of the military training area is around 100 years old. 314 m² 1957
1English oak in Wrießnitz Upload file English oak in Wrießnitz KL 32KL 32 Klagenfurt
KG:  Nagra
The tree is just outside Klagenfurt, but the crown protrudes into the area of ​​KG Nagra. 62 m²
0BW Upload file Ash in Limmersach KS 38KS 38 Klagenfurt
KG:  St. Peter bei Ebenthal
In the Fischl district, Fischlstrasse in the east. Of the original five ash trees there is one that is around 120 years old. 153 m² 1976
1Lindenallee in Ebenthal Upload file Lindenallee in Ebenthal KS 01KS 01 Klagenfurt
KG:  St. Peter bei Ebenthal
The avenue was laid out in 1710. Only 115 of the stock at the time it was placed under protection (300 linden trees in 1943) were preserved in 1960, and around 60 in 2000. The total number of linden trees in Allee rose to 380 in 1987, plus 10 linden trees in Zellerstraße.
Note: The Lindenallee runs in the municipal areas of Ebenthal and Klagenfurt.
3.51 ha 1943
1European beech in the Fischlpark Upload file European beech in the Fischlpark KS 16KS 16 Klagenfurt
KG:  St. Peter bei Ebenthal
The 120-year-old beech tree with a twisted main trunk and an evenly massive crown is located in the garden of the Fischl kindergarten right next to the children's playground. 200 m² 1972
1Hemlock in Fischlpark
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Hemlock in Fischlpark KS 07KS 07 Klagenfurt
KG:  St. Peter bei Ebenthal
The hemlock with uniform growth was around 120 years old when it was placed under protection. A second hemlock east of it, which originally also belonged to this natural monument, was badly damaged in a storm in summer 2015. 153 m² 1972
1White Pine in Fischlpark Upload file White Pine in Fischlpark KS 10KS 10 Klagenfurt
KG:  St. Peter bei Ebenthal
The solitary tree with a straight trunk in the courtyard of the Fischl kindergarten is around 120 years old. 113 m² 1972
1Ash in the Fischlpark Upload file Ash in the Fischlpark KS 02KS 02 Klagenfurt
KG:  St. Peter bei Ebenthal
The slender ash with two main branches and a semicircular crown from around 10 meters in height is a good 150 years old. 153 m² 1972
1Weeping beech in Fischlpark Upload file Weeping beech in Fischlpark KS 04KS 04 Klagenfurt
KG:  St. Peter bei Ebenthal
The black beech with dense branches hanging down to the ground was around 50 years old when it was placed under protection. 113 m² 1976
1English oak in the hallway Upload file English oak in the hallway KS 33KS 33 Klagenfurt , Flurgasse
KG:  St. Ruprecht near Klagenfurt
The two-stem oak at the southern end of Flurgasse is around 200 years old. 113 m² 1966
1Plane cemetery St. Ruprecht
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Plane cemetery St. Ruprecht KS 55 OEKS 55 OE Klagenfurt
KG:  St. Ruprecht near Klagenfurt
The plane tree with a trunk circumference of 4.80 meters and a crown diameter of 14 meters is around 130 years old.
1English oak in Tentschach Upload file English oak in Tentschach KS 28KS 28 Klagenfurt
KG:  Tentschach
The free-standing oak west of Tentschach Castle is around 250 years old. 200 m² 1955
1English oak in Tentschach Upload file English oak in Tentschach KS 26KS 26 Klagenfurt
KG:  Tentschach
The oak in the forest west of Tentschach Castle is around 300 years old. 200 m² 1955
1English oak in the Koschatpromenade
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English oak in the Koschatpromenade KS 44KS 44 Klagenfurt
KG:  Viktring
The 350 year old solitary realm has a trunk circumference of more than seven meters. 530 m² 2009
1Grafenlacke Viktring
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Grafenlacke Viktring KS 63 OEKS 63 OE Klagenfurt
KG:  Viktring
GrStNr: 83/1 and 84/1 KG Viktring
The Grafenlacke, the remainder of a former peat cut, is a landscape-defining biotope complex. It is the habitat of rare plants and animals (e.g. diaper snail Vertigo geyeri) and is worthy of preservation as a stepping stone biotope . 2014
1Plane tree in the Viktring Abbey Park
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Plane tree in the Viktring Abbey Park KS 65 OEKS 65 OE Klagenfurt
KG:  Viktring
The plane tree at Viktring Abbey (tree register number 00652) has a trunk circumference of 420 cm, a crown diameter of 30 m, a height of 27 m and an age of approx. 150 years. 2014
1Norway maple in the Viktring Abbey Park
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Norway maple in the Viktring Abbey Park KS 64 OEKS 64 OE Klagenfurt
KG:  Viktring
The Norway maple (Acer platanoides "Schwedleri") at the Viktring monastery (tree register number 00813) on the southwest side of the monastery has a trunk circumference of 333 cm, a crown diameter of 20 m, a tree height of 23 m and an age of approx. 150 years. 2014
1Linde Frodlgasse Upload file Linde Frodlgasse KS 57 OEKS 57 OE Klagenfurt , Frodlgasse
KG:  Waidmannsdorf
GrStNr: 236/4
The stately linden tree characterizes the gardens of the housing estate. 2010
1English oak on the Schleppekogel Upload file English oak on the Schleppekogel KS 14KS 14 Klagenfurt
KG:  Waltendorf
The oak on the edge of the forest at the northern foot of the Schleppekogel is around 120 years old. 78 m² 1957
1Gray poplars in Mageregg Upload file Gray poplars in Mageregg KS 20KS 20 Klagenfurt
KG:  Waltendorf
Of the original nine poplars in the east of the palace park , seven that are around 100 years old still stand. A poplar that fell in April 2013 and was considered to be the mightiest poplar in Carinthia can rot in the park. 999 m² 1957
1Gray poplar in Mageregg Upload file Gray poplar in Mageregg KS 19KS 19 Klagenfurt
KG:  Waltendorf
The 36 meter high poplar a few meters outside the northern park wall is 120 years old. 200 m² 1957
1Pedunculate oaks near Krastowitz Castle
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Pedunculate oaks near Krastowitz Castle KS 31KS 31 Klagenfurt
KG:  Welzenegg
Originally six oaks were protected around the church hill of the Gottscheer church. In 2003 five of them were still there and were estimated to be 180 to 240 years old. Meanwhile, two more of the trees had to be felled. 657 m² 1957
1Linden-Allee in Welzenegg
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Linden-Allee in Welzenegg KS 34KS 34 Klagenfurt , Görzer Allee
KG:  Welzenegg
An avenue is already recorded in the Franziszeischen Cadastre (around 1825) north of Welzenegg Castle. Today there are five old and ten newly planted linden trees on the west side of the avenue; on the east side three old and thirteen newly planted linden trees. 0.16 ha 1957
1Summer lime tree in the Welzenegg castle garden Upload file Summer lime tree in the Welzenegg castle garden KS 36KS 36 Klagenfurt , Görzer Allee
KG:  Welzenegg
The huge linden tree in the private palace garden is more than 200 years old. 314 m² 1957
1Tulip tree in the Welzenegg palace garden
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Tulip tree in the Welzenegg palace garden KS 37KS 37 Klagenfurt , Görzer Allee
KG:  Welzenegg
The tulip tree in the palace gardens is around 200 years old. 153 m² 1957
1Plane tree near Krastowitz Castle
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Plane tree near Krastowitz Castle KS 51KS 51 Klagenfurt
KG:  Welzenegg
The plane tree at the castle pond is around 180 years old, 30 meters high and has a trunk circumference of 27 meters. 530 m² 2009
1Pear tree avenue in Welzenegg Upload file Pear tree avenue in Welzenegg KS 39KS 39 Klagenfurt
KG:  Welzenegg
The 350 meter long avenue is made up of around 100 cider pear trees ; many of them are around 100 years old. 0.24 ha 1985
1Tree of Gods at Krastowitz Castle Upload file Tree of Gods at Krastowitz Castle KS 50KS 50 Klagenfurt
KG:  Welzenegg
The 180 year old and 26 meter high tree in the courtyard of Schloss Krastowitz is the oldest specimen of its kind in the Klagenfurt area. It had a crown diameter of 20 meters, but was badly damaged by a wind break. 314 m² 2009
1Large lime tree in the Welzenegg Castle Park Upload file Large lime tree in the Welzenegg Castle Park KS 58 OEKS 58 OE Klagenfurt
KG:  Welzenegg
GrStNr: 834/2
The summer lime tree in Welzenegg Castle Park (tree register number 11976) had a trunk circumference of 354 cm, a crown diameter of 18 m and a tree height of 27 m at the time it was placed under protection. The tree age is about 156 years. 2014
1Two red beeches in the Welzenegg Castle Park Upload file Two red beeches in the Welzenegg Castle Park KS 61 OEKS 61 OE Klagenfurt
KG:  Welzenegg
GrStNr: 834/2
The double- stemmed European beech in Welzenegg Castle Park (tree register numbers 11969 and 11970) had trunk circumferences of 355 and 311 cm, a crown diameter of approx. 20 m and tree heights of 26 m and 20 m at the time of the protection. The age is estimated at around 200 years. 2014
1Klagenfurt Tarragonaallee Welzenegg.jpg
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Klagenfurt Tarragonaallee Welzenegg.jpg KS 60 OEKS 60 OE Klagenfurt
The "Tarragonaallee Welzenegg" includes various trees such as sycamore maple, robinia, horse chestnut, red oak, summer linden and winter linden. The trees have a trunk circumference of 13 to 291 cm, crown diameter 1 to 6 m, tree heights 3 to 30 m, tree age "young" to "old" (no dates). 2014

Natural monuments designated by the city that are not included in the lists published by the Province of Carinthia

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surface date
1Notch valley in Waltendorf
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Notch valley in Waltendorf KS 67 OEKS 67 OE Klagenfurt , Kogelstraße
KG:  Waltendorf
The notch valley in Waltendorf was designated as a local natural monument on October 13, 2014 with a decision by the Klagenfurt City Council. The kerbtälchen is located on Koglstrasse and is characterized by the presence of a biotope complex. Among other things, it serves as a stepping stone biotope and amphibian spawning site. 2014
1Lime tree [20]
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Linden tree KS 56 OEKS 56 OE Klagenfurt , Luegerstraße
KG:  Waidmannsdorf
The linden tree, with a natural monument plaque, is right next to the building at Luegerstraße 15. 2014

Former natural monuments

photo   Surname ID Location description

surface date
0BW Upload file Four oaks Klagenfurt
The row of trees made up of four oaks was located south of Mageregg Castle.
0BW Upload file Gray poplar Klagenfurt
The gray poplar with a trunk circumference of about four meters stood south of the church near Krastowitz Castle.
0 Upload file Two oaks Klagenfurt
coordinates are missing! Help.
The two oaks stood in a meadow east of the Flurgasse.
0BW Upload file Summer linden tree Klagenfurt
The summer linden tree on the northern edge of Flatschacherstraße was felled in good condition to enable the construction of a car dealership.
1beech Upload file beech Klagenfurt
The beech, which only had branches above eight meters of trunk height, was in a clearing below the Zillhöhe. Beech trees are already growing out of the tree stump remains (September 2018)
0BW Upload file Winter lime tree in St. Martin KS 08KS 08 Klagenfurt
KG:  St. Martin near Klagenfurt
The last village linden in the urban area was around 300 years old. The tree no longer exists. 200 m² 1957
0BW Upload file Witch beech on Ulrichsberg KS 22KS 22 Klagenfurt
KG:  St. Peter am Karlsberg
The approximately 400-year-old solitary beech on the "Schwaig" on the western slope of the Ulrichsberg branched into five trunks at a height of just one meter. The two most powerful tribes broke off (the second in winter 2013/14). 153 m² 1937
0 Upload file Stock willow KS 54KS 54 Klagenfurt
KG:  Waidmannsdorf
GrStNr: 298/1
coordinates are missing! Help.
Due to imminent danger (stability threatened by fungal disease), the declaration of the stock willow (white willow) as a local natural monument was revoked in December 2017 and the tree was felled. The nature conservation advisory board of the Carinthian provincial government found this procedure unsatisfactory and called for a replacement planting.
1Winter linden and summer linden at Pichlern Castle
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Winter linden and summer linden at Pichlern Castle KS 30KS 30 Klagenfurt
KG:  Welzenegg
The two 120 year old linden trees next to a brick wayside shrine south of the Pichlern estate (winter linden tree west; summer linden tree east) were felled around 2013. 266 m² 1957
1Winter lime tree in St. Peter am Bichl Upload file Winter lime tree in St. Peter am Bichl KS 40KS 40 Klagenfurt
KG:  St. Peter am Karlsberg
The tree in the village of St. Peter am Bichl was around 420 years old and had a trunk circumference of more than eight meters. Because of its huge crown, it was considered one of the largest linden trees in Carinthia. The tree fell victim to a storm in July 2015. 292 m² 1962


  • Magistrate of the City of Klagenfurt, Environmental Protection Department: Nature in Klagenfurt. A guide to the protected areas and natural monuments in the state capital. Klagenfurt, 2003.
  • Office of the Carinthian Provincial Government, Department 8 - Competence Center Environment, Water and Nature Conservation: Natural Monuments in Carinthia. Klagenfurt, 2012.

Web links

Commons : Natural monuments in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 10.
  2. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 12.
  3. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 22.
  4. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 24.
  5. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 27.
  6. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 27.
  7. ^ City of Klagenfurt City Administration, Stadtgarten Department. Assessment by the tree expert Reinhold Glantschnig, March 21, 2017.
  8. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 11.
  9. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 26.
  10. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 14.
  11. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 36.
  12. ^ Klagenfurt The city newspaper with official news. June 25, 2014 number 11 - pages 60-61
  14. a b c d e f g personal information from an employee of the office of the Ktn. State Government, Department 8 - Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation.
  15. Declared a natural monument by the city senate in 2010. Only many years later managed by the country as ND.
  16. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 6.
  17. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 30.
  18. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 29.
  19. As of January 2019.
  20. Josef Knapp Feininger, Ernst Woschitz: Nature in Klagenfurt. Natural monuments and protected areas of the state capital. Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, 2nd ed. 2018. p. 33.
  21. According to information from the Klagenfurt City Administration, the status as a natural monument has been revoked; the tree still appears in the country's list (2019) as a natural monument.
  22. The country still lists it (as of 2019) as a natural monument.
  23. ^ Klagenfurt: Oldest tree fell victim to storm in the district gazette of July 9, 2015, accessed on July 27, 2015.