List of natural monuments in Oberriexingen

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Natural monuments number
FND 11
total 13

The list of natural monuments in Oberriexingen names the prescribed natural monuments (ND) of the city ​​of Oberriexingen in the Ludwigsburg district of Baden-Württemberg . In Oberriexingen there are a total of 13 objects protected as natural monuments, eleven of which are areal natural monuments (FND) and two individual structure natural monuments (END).

Areal natural monuments (FND)

Surname image Identifier

details position Area
Auewald u. Wetland "Hagelwert" BW 81180590007

The forest, protected as a natural monument, is located east of the municipality directly on the Enz . 3.6 1989
Former quarry with groves BW 81180590010

In the west of the municipality, a natural monument that is directly adjacent to the natural monument field wood "Ballenhardter" . 0.4 1989
Former quarry on "Reutweg" BW 81180590003

0.2 1989
Field wood "Ballenhardter" BW 81180730037

The area right next to the former quarry with a group of trees is 0.4 ha on Oberriexinger and 0.5 ha on Vaihinger municipality. 0.9 1989
Field wood "Bruch" BW 81180590002

North of the community, between the courtyards and like the ND Wolfstall-Heide in the Wolfstall landscape protection area , a natural monument. 0.7 1989
Field trees and meadows in the Gewann Dauseck BW 81180590009

Natural monument in the south of the municipality. It borders directly on the Markgröningen natural monument plant site "Dauseck" . 0.7 1989
Groves of trees, wetlands and springs with pools in the Reut area BW 81180590004

Two-part natural monument in the east of Oberriexingen. 0.6 1989
Hollow road and field trees on the "Mühlrain" BW 81180590006

In the east of the municipality, a natural monument, which borders on the Markgröninger natural monument with ravines and field trees in "Mühlrain" . 1.2 1989
Spring and wetland "Mühlbrunnen" BW 81180590008

A narrow natural monument stretching around 500 meters along the county road to Unterriexingen . 0.8 1989
Succession area and pond "Ob dem Hart" Oberriexingen natural monument succession area and pond Ob dem Hart.JPG 81180590011

Natural monument in the northeast of Oberriexingen. To the east of it borders on the Sachsenheim natural monument Succession Area Krähwinkel . 3.8 1993
Wolfstall Heath BW 81180590001

The natural monument is located north of the community in the Wolfstallen landscape protection area, as is the "Bruch" woodland . 1.2 1993
Legend for natural monument

Single structure (END)

Surname image Identifier

details position Area
1 pear tree BW 81180590005

A single pear tree decreed as a natural monument in the east of the community on the county road to Großsachsenheim. 0 1989
2 field maple BW 81180590012

0 1993
Legend for natural monument

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