List of cities in the Comoros

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This is a list of cities in the Comoros .

The largest city on the Comoros is Moroni with a population of 42,872 (as of January 1, 2005). This means that six percent of the country's population is concentrated in the capital.

The following table lists the cities with more than 4,000 inhabitants, the results of the census of September 15, 1991, a calculation for January 1, 2005, and the autonomous island to which the city belongs. The population figures refer to the actual city without the suburbs.

Cities in the Comoros
rank city Residents Autonomous island
1991 census Calculation 2005
1. Moroni 29,916 42,872 Grande Comore
2. Mutsamudu 16,540 23,594 Anjouan
3. Fomboni 8,615 14,966 Mohéli
4th Domoni 10.169 14,509 Anjouan
5. Tsémbehou 8.096 11,552 Anjouan
6th Ongodjou 6,487 10,428 Anjouan
7th Sima 7,270 10,374 Anjouan
8th. Ouani 7.134 10.179 Anjouan
9. Mirontsi 7.126 10.168 Anjouan
10. Adda Daouéni 6.171 9,920 Anjouan
11. Bazmini 5,087 8,178 Anjouan
12. Koni Djodjo 5,044 8,109 Anjouan
13. Moya 4,683 7,529 Anjouan
14th Iconi 5,191 7,436 Grande Comore
15th Ounkazi 5,558 7,385 Grande Comore
16. Dindri 4,441 7.140 Anjouan
17th Ngandzalé 4,252 6,837 Anjouan
18th Mbéni 4,549 6,516 Grande Comore
19th Mitsamiouli 4,260 6.102 Grande Comore
20th Barakani 3,787 6,089 Anjouan
21st Mbambao Mtsanga 3,534 5,682 Anjouan
22nd Chandra 3,511 5,645 Anjouan
23. Ouéllah 4.122 5,478 Grande Comore
24. Mramani 3,188 5.126 Anjouan
25th Mrémani 3,501 4,996 Anjouan
26th Koki 3,066 4,929 Anjouan
27. Jimlimi 3,031 4,873 Anjouan
28. Mvouni 3,606 4,791 Grande Comore
29 Tsidjé 3,461 4,600 Grande Comore
30th Foumbouni 3.138 4,496 Grande Comore
31. Nkourani ya Sima 3,355 4,458 Grande Comore
32. Magnassini 2,628 4,225 Anjouan
33. Mitsoudjé-Troumbeni 2,946 4,220 Grande Comore
34. Démbeni 3.110 4.133 Grande Comore

See also

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