List of stumbling blocks in Georgsmarienhütte

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The list of stumbling blocks in Georgsmarienhütte contains all stumbling blocks that were laid by Gunter Demnig in Georgsmarienhütte as part of the project of the same name . They are intended to commemorate the victims of National Socialism who lived and worked in the old communities of Georgsmarienhütte. The clarification of the individual fates by the historian Inge Becher went back to a decision of the city council and was part of the project initiated by the Anne Frank Center in Berlin 70 years later. Generations in dialogue . With the support of several school classes, senior citizens who had lived through the Nazi era were asked about their experiences from that time. The students also organized the ceremony in which the victims, including a three and a half year old girl, were commemorated.

Laying stumbling blocks

No. address District Laying


Person, inscription image annotation
Karlstrasse 14

Erioll world.svg

Alt-Georgsmarienhütte February 28, 2014 Here lived

Helene Plock
born Heimbeck
born in 1858 admitted
1911 Sanatorium
'relocated' April 24th, 1941 Sanatorium
murdered May 22nd, 1941


Helene Plock was admitted to the Osnabrück sanatorium because of an illness. At the age of 75 she was deported to Eichberg as part of the T4 campaign , a transit station for people who were killed in the gas chambers of the Hadamar killing center . She died from sleeping pills given to her every day.

Malberger Strasse 27

Erioll world.svg

Alt-Georgsmarienhütte February 28, 2014 Here lived

Albert Baller
born in 1909
deserted 1940
convicted May 17
, 1940 shot dead May 18 , 1940
Nivelles / Belgium


Albert Baller took part in the campaign in the west as a soldier and deserted after the first acts of war in Belgium. He was caught and sentenced to death by a court martial.

Sutthauser Strasse 56

Erioll world.svg

Holzhausen February 28, 2014 Here lived

Ignatz Wojewoda,
born 1894,
protective custody September 19, 1938
murdered February 18, 1940


Ignatz Wojewoda from Poland worked in the hut . He was arrested by the GeStaPo because he had noticed that if something happens at the border, both sides are always to blame.

Oeseder Strasse 44

Erioll world.svg

Oesede February 28, 2014 Here lived

Bernhardine Mönkedieck
born 1940
'briefed' May 24, 1943 Lüneburg
children's department
murdered June 14, 1944


Bernhardine Mönkedieck was born with a disability. She was admitted to the children's department of the state sanatorium and nursing home in Lüneburg , which was set up solely to kill disabled children.

Oeseder Strasse 85

Erioll world.svg

Oesede February 28, 2014 Lived in Oesede

Katharina Westenberg,
born in 1887 , admitted
Osnabrück sanatorium
'relocated' April 24, 1941
Eichberg sanatorium
murdered June 10, 1941 Hadamar killing center

Katharina Westenberg lived in Oesede until she came to the Osnabrück sanatorium due to illness. At the age of 54 she was deported to Eichberg as part of the T4 campaign , a transit station for people who were killed in the gas chambers of the Hadamar killing center. Since her exact place of residence is unknown, the Stolperstein in front of the town hall was moved.


Inge Becher: Stumbling blocks . In: Contributions to the history of Georgsmarienhütte and its districts , Volume 7. City of Georgsmarienhütte, Georgsmarienhütte 2014

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Georgsmarienhütte: Five stumbling blocks relocated in the city area - City of Georgsmarienhütte. In: May 17, 2017. Retrieved September 16, 2017 .
  2. Review: »70 years later. Generations in Dialogue «. In: July 28, 2016. Retrieved September 17, 2017 .
  3. Silent steps - how young people experienced the Nazi era! In: May 4, 2018, Retrieved April 29, 2019 .