List of listed objects in Pfarrkirchen near Bad Hall

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The list of listed objects in Pfarrkirchen bei Bad Hall contains the 13 listed , immovable objects of the municipality Pfarrkirchen bei Bad Hall in the Upper Austrian district of Steyr-Land .


photo   monument Location description
Kalvarienberg, Kalvarienbergkirche
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Kalvarienberg, Kalvarienbergkirche
ObjectID:  16800
KG: Feyregg
The chapel was built in 1848 under P. Placidus Hall, the pastor of Pfarrkirchen at the time. Inside, frescoes depict Christ's agony and the Entombment. The baroque Stations of the Cross dates from the beginning of the 18th century. The reliefs were created by the Pfarrkirchen sculptor Josef Diethör. In 1988–1990 the chapel was restored both inside and out.
Residential house, Sandlmühle
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Residential house, Sandlmühle ObjectID
Möderndorf 25 KG
: Möderndorf
Mühlgrub palace complex including outbuildings
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Mühlgrub castle complex including outbuildings
ObjectID:  7402
Mühlgruber Straße 42 KG
: Mühlgrub
Klein Adlwang Chapel
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Klein Adlwang Chapel ObjectID
KG: Pfarrkirchen near Bad Hall
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ObjectID:  16796
Möderndorfer Straße 2 KG
: Pfarrkirchen near Bad Hall
Pillar of light
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Light pillar ObjectID
at Möderndorfer Straße 2, KG
: Pfarrkirchen near Bad Hall
Wayside chapel
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Wegkapelle ObjektID
Mühlgruber Straße KG
: Pfarrkirchen near Bad Hall
Catholic parish church hl.  George
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Catholic parish church hl. Georg ObjectID
Pfarrkirchner Straße KG
: Pfarrkirchen near Bad Hall
The parish church (St. George) is mentioned in a document in 1179. Only the choir with a 5/8 end and a fresco on the south wall of the west tower remain from the originally Gothic building (construction completed in 1326). The interior of the church is predominantly Rococo. All vaults have frescoes by Wolfgang Andreas Heindl from around 1748. The tower was raised in 1762 and has an onion helmet. The tabernacle from 1740 is attributed to Balthasar Melber from Enns. The choir stalls and church stalls are from the 2nd quarter of the 18th century.
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ObjectID:  16793
Pfarrkirchner Straße 1 KG
: Pfarrkirchen near Bad Hall
The rectory was built in 1649, the front is from around 1750. One of the existing stucco ceilings is from the middle of the 18th century, all the others from the middle of the 17th century. In the niche above the entrance gate there is a statue of the Good Shepherd, this is dated to the middle of the 18th century.
Figure shrine St.  Johannes Nepomuk
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Figure shrine St. Johannes Nepomuk ObjectID
in front of Pfarrkirchner Straße 1 KG
: Pfarrkirchen near Bad Hall
The statue of John of Nepomuk on the church square is dated to 1722.
Tassilo spring
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Tassilo source ObjectID
at Swimmingpoolstrasse 15
KG: Pfarrkirchen near Bad Hall
The Tassilo spring is one of the strongest iodine-brine springs in Central Europe on the edge of the Bad Hall spa park in Upper Austria . There is evidence that the spring has been used since the 2nd century. In 777, the Bavarian Duke Tassilo III gave it. the source to Kremsmünster Abbey . The water from the spring was used to extract salt and is still used to treat skin diseases. The Tassilo spring temple was built by master builder Joseph Baumgartner over the Tassilo spring in 1841. The shape of this drinking hall resembles that of an early historical round temple with an attached rectangular building. In the forecourt of the spring temple there is a well from which the water of the spring emerges.
Wayside shrine Upload file Shrine
Object ID:  16798

KG location
: Pfarrkirchen near Bad Hall
Feyregg Castle
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Schloss Feyregg ObjectID
Feyregger Straße 2 KG
: Feyregg


The source for the selection of the objects are the monuments lists of the respective federal state published annually by the BDA. The table contains the following information:

Photo: Photograph of the monument. Click the photo generates an enlarged view. Next to it are one or two symbols:
More pictures available The symbol means that more photos of the property are available. They are displayed by clicking the symbol.
Upload your own photo By clicking the symbol, further photos of the object can be uploaded to the Wikimedia Commons media archive .
Monument: Name of the monument. The designation is given as it is used by the Federal Monuments Office (BDA) . The internal object identification number (ObjectID) is also given.
Location: The address is given. In the case of free-standing objects without an address ( e.g. shrines ), an address is usually given that is close to the object. By calling up the link Location , the location of the monument is displayed in various map projects. The cadastral community (KG) is indicated below this.
Description: Brief information about the monument.

The table is sorted alphabetically according to the location of the monument. The sorting criterion is the cadastral municipality and within this the address.

By clicking on "Map with all coordinates" (top right in the article) the location of all monuments in the selected map object is displayed.

Abbreviations of the BDA : BR… construction law , EZ… deposit number, GB… land register , GstNr. … Property number, KG… cadastral community, 0G … property number address

Web links

Commons : Listed objects in Pfarrkirchen near Bad Hall  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Upper Austria - immovable and archaeological monuments under monument protection. (PDF), ( CSV ). Federal Monuments Office , as of February 18, 2020.
  2. Kalvarienberg and Kalvarienbergkirche. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on April 19, 2015 ; Retrieved April 18, 2015 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Bundesdenkmalamt (Ed.): Dehio-Handbuch Oberösterreich . Anton Schroll & Co, Vienna 1958, p. 235-236 .
  4. Bundesdenkmalamt (Ed.): Dehio-Handbuch Oberösterreich . Anton Schroll & Co, Vienna 1958, p. 235-236 .
  5. Bundesdenkmalamt (Ed.): Dehio-Handbuch Oberösterreich . Anton Schroll & Co, Vienna 1958, p. 236 .
  6. § 2a Monument Protection Act in the legal information system of the Republic of Austria .