List of Canadian Cabinets

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This list shows the Canadian cabinets since the founding of the state in 1867. In Canada the cabinets ( English Canadian ministries ; French Conseils des ministres du Canada ) are not named after the respective prime ministers , but numbered consecutively.

Each Canadian cabinet is formed when the prime minister is appointed and dissolved when the prime minister resigns. The only exception was during the tenure of Robert Borden , whose unionist cabinet from 1917 to 1920 is differentiated from the previously existing conservative cabinet. Elections do not result in a dissolution of the cabinet unless they end in government defeat. This contrasts with other Commonwealth Realms such as Australia or the United Kingdom , where a “new” cabinet is formed after each election of the head of government, regardless of the outcome. The 28 cabinets to date have therefore been formed in 27 cases through a change of prime minister, in one case with the addition of coalition partners by an incumbent prime minister.


cabinet prime minister Period
01. Canadian Cabinet John Macdonald 1867-1873
02. Canadian Cabinet Alexander Mackenzie 1873-1878
03. Canadian Cabinet John Macdonald 1878-1891
04. Canadian Cabinet John Abbott 1891-1892
05. Canadian Cabinet John Thompson 1892-1894
06. Canadian Cabinet Mackenzie Bowell 1894-1896
07. Canadian Cabinet Charles Tupper 1896
08. Canadian Cabinet Wilfrid Laurier 1896-1911
09. Canadian Cabinet Robert Borden 1911-1917
10. Canadian Cabinet Robert Borden 1917-1920
11. Canadian Cabinet Arthur Meighen 1920-1921
12. Canadian Cabinet William Lyon Mackenzie King 1921-1926
13. Canadian Cabinet Arthur Meighen 1926
14. Canadian Cabinet William Lyon Mackenzie King 1926-1930
15. Canadian Cabinet Richard Bedford Bennett 1930-1935
16. Canadian Cabinet William Lyon Mackenzie King 1935-1948
17. Canadian Cabinet Louis Saint-Laurent 1948-1957
18. Canadian Cabinet John Diefenbaker 1957-1963
19. Canadian Cabinet Lester Pearson 1963-1968
20. Canadian Cabinet Pierre Trudeau 1968-1979
21. Canadian Cabinet Joe Clark 1979-1980
22. Canadian Cabinet Pierre Trudeau 1980-1984
23. Canadian Cabinet John Turner 1984
24. Canadian Cabinet Brian Mulroney 1984-1993
25. Canadian Cabinet Kim Campbell 1993
26. Canadian Cabinet Jean Chrétien 1993-2003
27. Canadian Cabinet Paul Martin 2003-2006
28. Canadian Cabinet Stephen Harper 2006-2015
29. Canadian Cabinet Justin Trudeau 2015–

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