List of Syrian ambassadors in the German Democratic Republic

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On February 10, 1954, Jamal Farra held a meeting with GDR Foreign Minister Lothar Bolz in Berlin-Pankow . The Erhard government took up diplomatic relations with the government of Levi Eschkol with an exchange of notes on May 12, 1965 , after which Ibrahim al-Istiwani ceased relations with the government in Bonn on May 13, 1965. On July 14, 1965, Saad Badawi al-Fatatry received his exequatur as Consul General in Berlin. The two governments wrote a communique on the occasion :

“With the aim of deepening the friendly ties between the SAR and the GDR, to shape the good relations between the two countries more closely, to support the common position of both sides in their common struggle against colonialism and imperialism, and by the Syrian Arab Republic considers the attitude of the German Democratic Republic towards the Palestine problem and its full support of the Palestinian people for the regaining of their rights, including their holy right to self-determination, the two governments have agreed to the rank of consular mission of the German Democratic Republic in Damascus from the consulate to a consulate general and to establish a consulate general of the Syrian Arab Republic in Berlin. "

- New Germany , September 16, 1965
Appointed / Accredited Surname Remarks appointed by accredited at Leave post
July 14, 1965 Saad Badawi al-Fatatry Consul General Amin al-Hafez Walter Ulbricht
1969 Adnan Omran Chargé d'affaires Nureddin al-Atassi Walter Ulbricht 1970
Aug 14, 1969 Hot Kelani Nureddin al-Atassi Walter Ulbricht
July 25, 1970 Saad Badawi al-Fatatry The previous head of the VAR mission in Berlin, Saad Badawi al-Fatatry, was granted the agreement as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the VAR in the GDR. Ahmad al-Khatib Walter Ulbricht
June 9, 1976 Konzai Milli also K. Millie Hafiz al-Assad Erich Honecker
1978 Youssef chakra Hafiz al-Assad Erich Honecker
1981 Faisal Sammak (* 1948) Feisal Sammak also Faysal Summaq Hafiz al-Assad Erich Honecker 1989

Individual evidence

  1. Protocol No. 70/81 Circulation on September 29, 1981, award from Kouzai Milli  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  2. Hunt for Jean . In: Der Spiegel . No. 47 , 1994 ( online ).