List of cantonal referendums in the canton of Uri

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Coat of arms of the canton of Uri

The list of cantonal referendums in the canton of Uri shows the referendums in the canton of Uri since 1999.



O Mandatory referendum
F. optional referendum
A. Request
I. initiative
B. Authority referendum


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
October 20, 2019 A. Partial revision of the law on direct taxes in the canton of Uri (StG 2019 - implementation of TRAF) 69.59% Accepted
A. Commitment credit for the digitization of tax processes natural persons 73.72% Accepted
May 19, 2019 A. Amendment to the constitution of the canton of Uri (expansion of the majority voting system) 57.49% Accepted
A. Amendment of the law on proportional representation of the district administrator (proportional representation law) 68.43% Accepted
02/10/2019 I. Popular initiative on the regulation of large carnivores in the canton of Uri 70.22% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
11/25/2018 A. Change in the cantonal constitution (change in court organization) 80.02% Accepted
A. Amendment of the Act on the Organization of Judicial Authorities (Court Organization Act) 78.89% Accepted

A. Law on the budgetary balance of the Canton of Uri 76.07% Accepted
O Amendment to the law on direct taxes in the canton of Uri 75.91% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
09/24/2017 A. Law on the Uri Cantonal Hospital 87.20% Accepted
A. Credit for the renovation and new construction of the Uri Cantonal Hospital 85.49% Accepted
05/21/2017 A. Amendment to the cantonal constitution (municipal law) 74.72% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
09/25/2016 A. Law on the Promotion of Children and Young People in the Canton of Uri (Cantonal Children and Youth Promotion Act, KKJFG) 64.28% Accepted
A. Repeal of the Cattle Insurance Act of 1971 75.49% Accepted
F. Change to the Ordinance on Part-time Employment; Referendum "No - this time too!" 34.15% Declined
06/05/2016 A. Law on the Occupation of Authorities 72.35% Accepted
A. Law on the financial support of the Altdorf swimming pool (Swimming Pool Financing Act) 71.16% Accepted
A. Amendment to the Health Act (promotion of basic medical care) 62.51% Accepted
02/28/2016 A. Credit for the expansion of the Uri Vocational and Training Center (bwz uri) 87.87% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
15/10/2015 A. Partial revision of the law on direct taxes in the canton of Uri 73.58% Accepted
A. Framework credit for the road construction program (period 2015 - 2020; implementation of the west-east connection) 52.4% Accepted
06/14/2015 A. Amendment of the law on the introduction of the Swiss Criminal Code (regulation of enforcement security custody) 82.31% Accepted
A. Change of the Water Use Ordinance (procedure and decision in competitive situations) 67.02% Accepted
A. Loan decision for the extension of the Phoenix residential building (depreciation and interest) 80.15% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
09/28/2014 O Amendment of the law on the Urner Kantonalbank 78.58% Accepted
O Amendment of the law on financial and burden sharing between the canton and the municipalities (FiLaG) 78.52% Accepted
A. Loan decision for the planning of the renovation and new building of the Uri Cantonal Hospital in the amount of CHF 3.0 million 86.09% Accepted
02/09/2014 A. Repeal of the law on film censorship in the canton of Uri 88.54% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
09/22/2013 A. Changes to the cantonal constitution (in connection with the simplification of procedures for future municipal mergers) 56.60% Accepted
A. Community structural reform (GSR) to strengthen communities through voluntary community mergers 46.94% Declined
A. Amendment of the Police Act (PolG) 75.45% Accepted
O Amendment to the Economic Promotion Act (WFG) 69.48% Accepted
06/09/2013 O Road Act (StrG) 64.28% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
09/23/2012 O Change in the cantonal constitution in connection with the introduction of a compulsory kindergarten year 53% Accepted
O Amendment to the law on family allowances (FZG) 75.6% Accepted
O Amendment of the School and Education Act (School Act) 57.66% Accepted
O Law on the Promotion of Tourism (Tourism Law; TourG) 72% Accepted
A. Loan decision to renovate the Altdorf swimming pool (renovation package 2010 to 2012) 75.93% Accepted
I. Popular initiative "head instead of party elections" 42.5% Declined
04/15/2012 A. Amendment of the cantonal constitution for the promotion of children and young people 48.83% Declined
I. Loan decision on investments in the Uri Cantonal Middle School 47.9% Declined
I. Popular initiative «Youth House for Uri» 21.04% Declined


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
05/15/2011 I. Popular initiative «For more safety in the Gotthard road tunnel and a strong Uri economy» 43.09% Declined
02/13/2011 A. Amendment of the cantonal constitution on the incompatibility of the district administration mandate and the employment relationship with the canton 48.35% Declined
A. Law on the incompatibility of district administration mandate and employment relationship with the cantonal administration 48.37% Declined


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
11/28/2010 A. Amendment of the constitution of the canton of Uri in connection with the law on cantonal and communal citizenship 54.69% Accepted
A. Accession of the canton of Uri to the intercantonal agreement on cooperation in the field of special education (special education concordat) 54.64% Accepted
O Message on the cantonal civil rights law (KBüG) and the amendment of the cantonal constitution 54.69% Accepted
O Law on cantonal and communal citizenship rights (Cantonal Citizenship Law, KBüG) 54.69% Accepted
09/26/2010 O Amendment of the Constitution of the Canton of Uri (in connection with the amendment of the Law on the Organization of Judicial Authorities) 66.93% Accepted
A. Amendment of the law on the Reuss delta 77.39% Accepted
O Amendment of the Act on the Organization of Judicial Authorities (Court Organization Act, GOG) 66.53% Accepted
A. Law on direct taxes in the canton of Uri 83.13% Accepted
06/13/2010 A. Change to the Ordinance on Part-time Employment 32.54% Declined
A. Planning and Building Act 60.28% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
11/29/2009 B. Amendment of the law on shop closing and Sunday rest (LSG) 34.05% Declined
B. Amendment of the Law on the Law on Motor Vehicle Taxes 30.61% Declined

09/27/2009 B. Amendment to the Act on Secret Elections, Voting and People's Rights (WAVG) 56.72% Accepted
B. Amendment of the School and Education Act (School Act) 33.91% Declined
B. Intercantonal agreement on the harmonization of compulsory schooling (HarmoS Concordat) 31.08% Declined
B. Cantonal contribution to the new construction of the therapy center at the Uri Curative Education Center 79.14% Accepted
05/17/2009 A. Modification of the Ordinance on Professional and Continuing Education 50.47% Accepted
B. Amendment to the Health Act 20.14% Declined
I. Popular initiative «Active voting rights 16» 31.08% Declined
02/08/2009 O Loan decision for the Uri flood protection program 87.67% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
11/30/2008 O Law on the harmonization of official registers (Cantonal Register Harmonization Act, KRG) 74.17% Accepted
O Police law 76.81% Accepted
09/28/2008 O Amendment to the law on direct taxes in the canton of Uri (StG) 76.24% Accepted
O Voting on the tariff system for wastewater Uri not specified n / a
O Law on family allowances (FZG) 77.33% Accepted
06/01/2008 O Law on the introduction of the new federal administration of justice in the canton of Uri 67.41% Accepted
O Health Act 60.28% Accepted
02/24/2008 O Cantonal contribution for the expansion of the Moosbad swimming pool, Altdorf 80.75% Accepted
O Popular initiative "for moderate voting information instead of public authority propaganda" 33.93% Declined


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
11/25/2007 O Amendment of the law on the protection of personal data 73.63% Accepted
O Amendment of the Law on Compulsory Buildings Insurance 69.85% Accepted
O Law on the implementation of the NFA in the canton of Uri 79.97% Accepted
O Tourism Act 48.96% Declined

06/17/2007 O Loan decision for investment, renovation and maintenance work at the Uri Cantonal Middle School 67.88% Accepted
03/11/2007 O Cantonal Environmental Law (KUG) 55.97% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
11/26/2006 O Amendment of the constitution of the canton of Uri (regarding registered partnership) 58.73% Accepted
O Changes to the law on direct taxes in the canton of Uri (StG) 72.19% Accepted
O Law on vocational and advanced training (BWG) 79.71% Accepted
O Law on the introduction of the federal law on the registered partnership of same-sex couples 55.75% Accepted
05/21/2006 O Popular initiative "five government councilors in full office instead of seven in secondary office" 25.31% Declined
O Popular initiative "Election of the government council according to the system of proportional representation" 18.21% Declined
02/12/2006 O Change to the personnel regulation (paid pregnancy or maternity leave) 29.27% Declined


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
09/25/2005 O Changes to the building law of the Canton of Uri (repeal of the advertising tax) 74.75% Accepted
O Law on Civil Protection in the Canton of Uri (BSG) 80.44% Accepted
O Loan decision for the project on the acquisition and construction of the POLYCOM security radio network 67.18% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
11/28/2004 O Amendment of the law on secret elections, voting and people's rights 47.09% Declined
09/26/2004 O Land Register Act 76.57% Accepted
05/16/2004 O Referendum of the Roman Catholic. Regional Church of Uri 68.47% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
11/30/2003 O Amendment to the Act on Secret Elections, Voting and People's Rights (WAVG) 87.85% Accepted
05/18/2003 O Modification of the regulation on road traffic taxes 31.95% Declined
02/09/2003 O Law on closing time and Sunday rest (LSG) 65.09% Accepted
O Cantonal law on environmental protection (KGU) 41.52% Declined


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
03/03/2002 O Cantonal contribution to the Geissberg - Gurtnellen avalanche barriers 88.49% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
12/02/2001 O Law on closing time and Sunday rest (LSG) 38.55% Declined
O Law on the Urner Kantonalbank (UKGB) 66.81% Accepted
O Change to the cantonal constitution (regarding Urner Kantonalbank) 66.89% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
09/24/2000 O Modification of the regulation on road traffic taxes 38.04% Declined
05/21/2000 O Amendment of the Direct Tax Act (StG) and the Real Estate Gains Tax Act (GStG) 67.11% Accepted
03/12/2000 O Law on the Uri Cantonal Hospital 81.77% Accepted
O Amendment to the Act on Secret Elections, Voting and People's Rights (WAVG) 63.43% Accepted


date Title of the template Proportion of yes votes result
10/24/1999 O Road law 43.02% Declined
O Amendment of the cantonal constitution to revise the legal referendum 23.74% Declined
06/13/1999 O Ordinance on austerity measures in the wage area of ​​the Canton of Uri 52.07% Accepted
I. Popular initiative "for equal voting opportunities (election opportunities initiative)" 15.98% Declined
