List of changes to the Federal Salary Act

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The Federal Salary Act has been amended several times since it came into force in 1957. This is the list of changes to the Federal Salary Act . The list is incomplete and mainly shows the ongoing adjustments to basic pay.


Salary Act 1960

On the basis of the law on the increase of service and pension payments of June 8, 1960 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 324 ), the payments were increased linearly by 7.0% with effect from June 1, 1960. This version was in effect until December 31, 1960.

Salary Act 1961

With the Second Salary Increase Act of December 23, 1960 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1079 , Second Act on the Increase of Service and Pension Payments), salaries were increased linearly by 8.0%. The regulation was in effect from January 1, 1961 to December 31, 1962.

Salary Act 1963

After twelve changes, the new version of the Federal Salary Act of December 18, 1963 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 916 ), valid from January 1, 1964, was announced.

On the basis of the Third Salary Increase Act of February 21, 1963 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 132 , Third Act on the Increase of Service and Pension Payments), a staggered salary adjustment of +7.5% to +10.0% was carried out. Allowances for grades A 2 to A 5 from 12 DM to 25 DM were decided. In addition, an improvement in the tension for civil servants in the middle service was standardized. The regulation was in effect from January 1, 1963 to September 30, 1964.

Salary Act 1964

On the basis of the Fourth Salary Increase Act of August 13, 1964 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 617 , Fourth Act on the Increase of Service and Pension Payments), a salary adjustment of + 8.0% was made between October 1, 1964 and December 31, 1965. In addition, local class B ceased to exist on December 31, 1964 (transition to local class A). A uniform, age-independent child allowance of DM 50 was introduced and an (initially one-off) special allowance was introduced in December 1964 in the amount of 33 1/3% of all monthly payments; Law on the granting of Christmas allowances of April 16, 1964 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 281 ) which was continuously passed from December 1965 through the law on the granting of an annual special allowance of July 15, 1965 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 609 ).

Salary Act 1966

The second law amending the Federal Salary Act of August 26, 1966 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 526 ) came into force retrospectively on April 1, 1966. With this an allowance for jet pilots was introduced.

The Fifth Act on Salary Increase of December 23, 1965 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 2118 , Fifth Act on the Increase of Service and Pension Payments) increased the pay on a straight-line basis by 4.0%. The regulation was in effect from January 1, 1966 to September 30, 1966.

Article II of the aforementioned law resolved a further linear increase of another 4.0%. This regulation was in effect from October 1, 1966 to June 30, 1967.

Salary Act 1967

A new basic salary table was standardized by the first law on the revision of salary law of July 6, 1967 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 629 ), which was valid from July 1, 1967 to June 30, 1968. With this first level of salary harmonization in the federal and state levels, the salaries of the lower grades were raised, but at the same time, lowering levels were recorded in the higher service, especially in the lower seniority levels.

Salary Act 1968

The fourth law amending the Federal Salary Act of July 19, 1968 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 843 ) increased the remuneration by 4.0% linearly. The regulation was valid from July 1, 1968 to March 31, 1969. The annual special allowance was raised to 40% by the law on increasing the annual special allowance in 1968 of December 28, 1968 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1455 ).

Salary Act 1969

After 24 changes since the announcement of the new version in 1963, the announcement of the new version of the Federal Salary Act of December 14, 1969 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2201 ), valid from October 1, 1969.

The Second Act on the New Regulation of Salary Law of May 14, 1969 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 374 ), which was valid from April 1, 1969 to December 31, 1969, resulted in a staggered salary adjustment of around 5.0% depending on the salary group / level .

The basis for this was the 2nd stage of salary harmonization in the federal and state governments: The final basic salaries A 1 to A 16 are binding as maximum amounts for the states. The tension between the final basic salaries of the starting salary groups was no longer a result of stipulating the percentages in the law, but only from the table values ​​(Section 54 BBesG). In addition, the maximum rates of the starting basic salaries to the final basic salaries of the starting salary groups (§ 55) were newly determined:

  • simple service: A 1 73%
  • medium service: A 5 70%
  • upper class: A 9 65%
  • higher service: A 13 63%

Finally, on the basis of the Sixth Act to Change the Federal Salary Act of July 28, 1969 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1004 ), it was decided to increase the annual special allowance to 66 2/3%.

Salary Act 1970

The seventh law amending the Federal Salary Act of April 15, 1970 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 339 ) increased the remuneration by a linear 8.0%. The regulation was in effect from January 1, 1970 to December 31, 1970.

Salary Act 1971

From July 1, 1971, the new version of the Federal Salary Act of August 5, 1971 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1281 ) took into account five changes since the last new version in 1969.

The first law for the standardization and revision of the salary law in the federal and state governments of March 18, 1971 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 208 ) increased the linear remuneration by linear 7.0% for a period from January 1, 1971 to January 31, 1971. Decided December 1971. In addition, the standardization of salaries in the federal and state levels has been standardized in the form of the redefinition of the salary table. In addition, the introduction of the general job allowance is regulated by law.

Salary Act 1972

With the First Federal Salary Increase Act of October 17, 1972 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 2001 ), salaries were increased linearly by 4.0%. The regulation was in effect from January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1972.

Pay Act 1973

In accordance with the second law on the increase in service and pension payments in the federal and state levels of November 5, 1973 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1569 ), the salary was increased by 6.0% linearly for a period from January 1, 1973 to December 31 1973 increased. Finally, on the basis of the law to increase the annual special allowance of January 30, 1974 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 129 ), it was decided to increase the annual special allowance to 100% with effect from December 1, 1973.

1974 Salary Act

In accordance with the Third Act on the Increase of Service and Pension Payments in the Federation and the Länder of July 26, 1974 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1557 ), the salary was increased by a straight-line 11.0% for a period from January 1, 1974 to December 31 1974 increased.

Salary Act 1975

The "Second Act for the Unification and New Regulation of Salary Law in the Federal Government and the States" ( 2nd BesVNG ) of May 23, 1975 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1173 ) contained the new version of the Federal Salary Act as Article I. It contained the newly introduced federal salary regulations C and  R with the newly introduced designations for judges.

With the fourth law on the increase of service and pension payments in the federal and state levels of August 6, 1975 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2089 ), the payments were linearly increased by 6.0% with a term from January 1, 1975 to January 31 1976 increased. In addition, a one-off payment of DM 100 was resolved. With the law on capital-building benefits for civil servants, judges, professional soldiers and temporary soldiers of 23 May 1975 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1173 ) (1237), capital-building benefits in the amount of DM 13 or DM 6.50 are granted for part-time employees for the first time .

Salary Act 1976

In accordance with the Fifth Act on the Increase of Service and Pension Payments in the Federal Government and the States of August 18, 1976 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 2197 ), the salary was scaled linearly by 5.0% up to 9.0% for a term from 1. February 1976 to January 31, 1977 increased. The graduation resulted from the minimum amounts of the increase that were fixed in parallel.

Salary Act 1977

According to the Sixth Act on the Increase of Service and Pension Payments in the Federation and the States of November 15, 1977 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2117 ), the salary was increased by a straight-line 5.3% for a period from February 1, 1977 to February 28 Raised in 1978. A one-time payment of DM 100 was also approved. Finally, the law on the granting of an annual vacation allowance (Holiday Allowance Act - UrlGG) in the amount of 150 DM, to be paid out with the current payments for the month of July, was standardized.

Salary Act 1978

The Seventh Act on the Increase of Service and Pension Payments in the Federation and the States of March 20, 1979 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 357 ) increased the salary by a straight-line 4.5% for a period from March 1, 1978 to February 28 Raised in 1979.

Salary Act 1979

With the law on the increase of service and pension remuneration in the federal and state levels 1979 of July 30, 1979 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1285 ), the remuneration of the salary tables A and B from March 1, 1979 to February 28, 1980 was increased linearly by 4 , 0% increased. The vacation pay was doubled to 300 DM.

Pay Act 1980

With the law on the adjustment of service and pension payments in the federal and state levels of August 16, 1980 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1439 ), the payments in salary tables A and B from March 1, 1980 to April 30, 1981 were increased linearly by 6 , 3% increased. In addition, a one-off payment of DM 110 was resolved.

Salary Act 1981

With the law on the adjustment of salaries and pensions in the federal and state governments of December 21, 1981 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1465 ), the remuneration in salary tables A and B from May 1, 1981 to June 30, 1982 was increased by a linear 4 , 3% increased. In addition, a one-off payment of DM 120 was decided.

Salaries Act 1982

Through the law on the adjustment of salaries and pensions in the federal and state levels of 1982 of December 20, 1982 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1835 ), the salary was increased linearly by 3.6% for a period from July 1, 1982 to June 30 Raised in 1982. In addition, a one-off payment of DM 40 was granted.

Salary Act 1983

With the law on the adjustment of service and pension payments in the federal and state levels (BBVAnpG 83) of December 20, 1982 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1857 ) (1870), the salary was increased by a straight-line 2.0% for a term of 1 Raised July 1983 to December 31, 1984.

Salary Act 1985

Through the law on the adjustment of service and pension payments in the federal and state levels 1985 (BBVAnpG 85) of February 25, 1985 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 431 ), the salary was increased linearly by 3.2% for a term of January 1, 1985 until December 31, 1985. In addition, a one-off payment of DM 240 and two additional days off - working time reduction day, AZV day - for older employees (Section 1a of the Working Hours Ordinance - AZV on September 6, 1985, Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1903 ) was resolved.

Salary Act 1986

Through the law on the adjustment of service and pension payments in the federal and state levels 1986 (BBVAnpG 86) of July 21, 1986 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1072 ), the salary was increased linearly by 3.5% for a term of January 1, 1986 until December 31, 1986. In addition, the general allowance for middle-class employees was raised from DM 40 to DM 67 and a decision was made to increase the local allowance. Finally, vacation pay for grades A 1 to A 8 was increased by 150 DM to 450 DM.

Salary Act 1987

With the law on the adjustment of service and pension remuneration in the federal and state levels in 1987 (BBVAnpG 87) of August 6, 1987 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2062 ), the salary was increased by a straight-line 3.4% for a period of January 1, 1987 until February 29, 1988.

Salary Act 1988

With the law on the adjustment of service and pension remuneration in the federal and state levels in 1988 (BBVAnpG 88) of December 20, 1988 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2363 ), the salary was increased linearly by 2.4% for a period of March 1, 1988 until December 31, 1988.

Salary Act 1989

With the aforementioned law (BBVAnpG 88), the remuneration was increased by a further linear 1.4% from January 1, 1989 with a period of validity until December 31, 1989. The weekly working time was reduced by one hour from April 1, 1989 to 39 hours, in accordance with the eighth regulation amending the labor regulation of February 9, 1989 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 227 ).

Salary Act 1990

With the aforementioned law (BBVAnpG 88), the remuneration was increased by a further linear 1.7% from January 1, 1990 with a period of validity until February 28, 1991. From April 1, 1990, the weekly working time was reduced by a further half an hour to 38.5 hours.

Salary Act 1991

With the law on the adjustment of service and pension remuneration in the federal and state governments 1991 (BBVAnpG 91) of February 21, 1992 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 266 ), the salary was increased linearly by 6.0% with a term of March 1, 1991 until April 30, 1992 (higher service until May 31, 1992). The general employment allowance takes part in this and future salary adjustments.

Salary Act 1992

Through the law on the adjustment of salaries and pensions in the federal and state governments 1992 (BBVAnpG 92) of March 23, 1993 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 342 ), the salary was increased by a straight-line 5.4% for a term of May 1, 1992 (Higher service only from June 1, 1992) to April 30, 1993. The vacation pay was raised to 650 DM (previously 450 DM) for grades A 1 to A 8 and increased to 500 DM (previously 300 DM) for grades from A 9.

Salary Act 1993

With the law on the adjustment of salaries and pensions in the federal and state levels 1993 (BBVAnpG 93) of December 20, 1993 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2139 ), the salary was increased by a straight-line 3.0% for a term of May 1, 1993 until September 30, 1994 (from A 9 until December 31, 1994).

Salary Act 1994

With the law on the adjustment of service and pension remuneration in the federal and state levels of 1994 (BBVAnpG 94) of August 24, 1994 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2229 ), the salary was increased by a linear 2.0% for a period of October 1, 1994 (Grades A1 to A8) or increased from January 1, 1995 (from grade A 9) to April 30, 1995. The special allowance in the form of the Christmas bonus is frozen at the level of 1993 and therefore still amounts to 98.04% for 1994.

Salary Act 1995

With the law on the adjustment of service and pension payments in the federal and state levels 1995 (BBVAnpG 95) of December 18, 1995 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1942 ), the salary was increased by a straight-line 3.2% for a term of May 1, 1995 until February 28, 1997. The special allowance in the form of the Christmas bonus will be reduced to 95%.

Salary Act 1997

Through the law on the adjustment of service and pension payments in the federal and state levels 1996/1997 (BBVAnpG 96/97) of March 24, 1997 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 590 ), the salary was increased linearly by 1.3% with a term of March 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997 increased. The special allowance in the form of the Christmas bonus will be reduced to 93.78%. The law on the reform of public service law (Reformgesetz) of February 24, 1997 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 322 ) resulted in a new grouping of the tables when seniority levels were abolished.

Salary Act 1998

With the law on the adjustment of service and pension remuneration in the federal and state levels 1998 (BBVAnpG 98) of August 6, 1998 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 2026 ), the salary was increased by 1.5% linearly for a period of January 1, 1998 until May 31, 1999 (for B salaries until December 31, 1999). The annual special allowance was reduced from 93.78% to 92.39%.

Salary Act 1999

With the law on the adjustment of service and pension payments in the federal and state levels 1999 (BBVAnpG 99) of November 19, 1999 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2198 ), the salary was increased by a straight-line 2.9% for a term of June 1, 1999 (for B, C and R salaries only with effect from January 1, 2000) until December 31, 2000. The annual special allowance was reduced from 92.39% to 89.79%. A one-off payment of DM 300 was granted for the months of March to May 1999. 0.2% of the linear increase was retained for the pension fund , so that the gross remuneration was increased by only 2.7%.

Salary Act 2001

With the law on the adjustment of salaries and pensions in the federal and state governments 2000 (BBVAnpG 2000) of April 19, 2001 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 618 ), the salary was increased linearly by 1.8% for a term of January 1, 2001 up to December 31, 2001, with one-off payments of DM 400 retrospectively approved for grades A 1 to A 11 for the months September to December 2000. 0.2% of the linear increase was retained for the pension fund, so that the gross remuneration was increased by only 1.6%. The annual special allowance was reduced from 89.79% to 88.21%.

Salary Act 2002

With the law on the adjustment of service and pension payments in the federal and state governments 2000 (BBVAnpG 2000) of April 19, 2001 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 618 ), the salary was increased linearly by 2.2% for a period of January 1, 2002 until March 31, 2003 (for grades A 12 and above until June 30, 2003). 0.2% of the linear increase was retained for the pension fund, so that the gross remuneration was increased by only 2.0%. The annual special allowance was reduced from 88.21% to 86.31%. The salary tables were changed from DM to EURO with the official conversion factor.

Salary Act 2003

With the law on the adjustment of salaries and pensions in the federal and state governments 2003/2004 (BBVAnpG 2003/2004) of September 10, 2003 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1798 ), the salary was increased by a straight-line 2.4% for a term of April 1, 2003 (for grades A 12 and higher only from July 1, 2003) to March 31, 2004. On the basis of the salary for March 2003, a one-off payment of 7.5% of the salary up to a maximum of 185 euros is resolved. The lowering of the salary to create a pension reserve was suspended. The annual special allowance was reduced from 86.31% to 84.29%. In addition, it was regulated by law that the federal and state governments are given the opportunity to determine annual special payments themselves.

Salary Act 2004

With the law on the adjustment of salaries and pensions in the federal and state governments 2003/2004 (BBVAnpG 2003/2004) of September 10, 2003 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1798 ), the salary was increased linearly by 1.0% with a term of Raised April 1, 2004 to July 31, 2004. The lowering of the salary in order to create a pension reserve was again suspended. The annual special allowance was reduced from 84.29% to 60% and is now defined as a special payment (instead of special allowance or Christmas bonus). The vacation pay - previously: € 332.34 = DM 650 or € 255.65 = DM 500 - is canceled without replacement.

With the law on the adjustment of service and pension payments in the federal and state levels 2003/2004 (BBVAnpG 2003/2004) of September 10, 2003 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1798 ), the salary was increased by a linear 1.0% for a term from August 1, 2004 to December 31, 2005. In November 2004, a one-off payment of EUR 50 is granted.

Salary Act 2006

The current salary was not changed by the Federal Special Payments Act of February 28, 2005 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 464 ), which was valid for two years from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2007. The special payment will be halved from 60% to 30% until December 31, 2010. As a result of the so-called federalism reform, from September 1, 2006, the federal states will be able to regulate the salaries of state officials themselves.

Federal Salary Adjustment Act 2008

The law on the adjustment of salaries and pensions in the federal government for 2008/2009 of July 29, 2008 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1582 ) increased the basic salary rates retrospectively from January 1, 2008 by the base amount of 50 euros, the basic amounts by 20 euros as well as in both cases by the percentage of 3.1%.

Salary Act 2009

As a further amendment to the Federal Salary Act, an increase of 2.8% (§ 14 BBesG) and a one-off payment of 225 euros (§ 85 BBesG) is planned from January 1, 2009 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1434 ). Announcements by the Federal Minister of the Interior in the Federal Law Gazette: Announcement of the new version of the Federal Salary Act of June 19, 2009 by the Federal Minister of the Interior in Federal Law Gazette I No. 34 of June 25, 2009 on page 1434. The announcement by the Federal Minister of the Interior of July 1, 2009 according to Section 77 Paragraphs 1 and 2 as well as Section 78 Paragraph 1 of the Federal Salary Act and Section 6 Paragraph 2 of the Salary Transition Act was published on July 2, 2009 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1646 ). Correction by the Federal Ministry of the Interior of August 12, 2009 in the Federal Law Gazette ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2864 ) with regard to the announcement pursuant to Section 77 Paragraphs 1 and 2 as well as Section 78 Paragraph 1 of the Federal Salary Act and Article 6 Paragraph 2 of the Salary Transition Act.

Reform 2009

The law on the reorganization and modernization of the federal service law (Service Law Reform Act - DNeuG) of September 5, 2009 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 160 ) resolves the new service law. A new salary table will be introduced. The grades are retained, the number of levels is reduced to 8. There are also 7 transition levels (transition levels Ü2 (transition level to level 2) to Ü8 according to the transition tables adopted) for civil servants who were already paid according to the old law in order to avoid a linear reduction. The new general salary table - valid July 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009 - led to marginal salary increases at the time of transition. In terms of lifetime income, there are noticeable reductions in several grades. The special payment (Christmas bonus) is divided evenly over 12 months (12 × 5% = 60%) and integrated into the basic salary. This completely changes the level assignments away from a division according to seniority towards so-called experience levels. All existing civil servant relationships were transferred to the new system on July 1, 2009. The Service Law Reform Act only applies to federal civil servants and soldiers and is of no relevance to state and local civil servants.

Federal Salary and Pension Adjustment Act 2010/2011

On September 30, 2010, the German Bundestag passed the Federal Salary and Pension Adjustment Act for 2010/2011 (BBVAnpG 2010/2011). It provides for the adoption of the result of the collective bargaining for the public service in the federal government from February 27, 2010 to the recipients of the federal government. The law was passed on November 19, 2010 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1552 ). This essentially results in the following increases in salaries and pensions in 2010 and 2011:

  • linear increase of 1.2% from January 1, 2010,
  • linear increase of 0.6% from January 1, 2011 as well as a one-time payment of 240 euros, for applicants of 50 euros,
  • linear increase of 0.3% from August 1, 2011 and an additional 0.2 percentage points as an addition to the federal pension reserve.

The announcement of November 19, 2010 pursuant to Section 77 (4) and Section 78 (2) of the Federal Salary Act and Section 6 (3) of the Salary Transition Act was announced on November 30, 2010 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1693 ).

Federal Salary and Pension Adjustment Act 2011/2012

Adjustment of the Christmas bonus: On January 1, 2011, the original plan was to revive the reduced part of the special payment and to transfer it to the basic monthly salary, which would have increased this by a further 2.44%. With the BBVAnpG 2010/2011, however, the reduction in the special payment was extended by a further 4 years to the period up to December 31, 2014 and finally reduced again in 2011 and suspended on December 31, 2011.

Federal Salary and Pension Adjustment Act 2012/2013

Based on the collective bargaining agreement in the public service, the pay of federal civil servants was raised in three stages as follows by the Federal Pay and Pension Adjustment Act 2012/2013 (BBVAnpG 2012/2013) of August 15, 2012 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1670 ): March 2012 by 3.3%, on January 1, 2013 by 1.2% and on August 1, 2013 by 1.2%. These increases were each reduced by 0.2 percentage points in accordance with Section 14a BBesG.

Federal Salary and Pension Adjustment Act 2014/2015

Based on the collective bargaining agreement in the public service, the salary of federal civil servants was raised in two stages as follows through the Federal Salary and Pension Adjustment Act 2014/2015 (BBVAnpG 2014/2015) of November 25, 2014 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1772 ): March 2014 by 3% (at least by 90 EUR) and by March 1, 2015 by 2.4%. 0.2 percentage points are retained from each increase as an addition to the federal pension reserve.

Federal Salary and Pension Adjustment Act 2016/2017

Based on the collective bargaining agreement in the public service, the pay of federal civil servants was raised in two stages by the Federal Pay and Pension Adjustment Act 2016/2017 (BBVAnpG 2016/2017) of November 21, 2016 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 2570 ) as follows: March 2016 by 2.4% and as of February 1, 2017 by 2.35%. The increase for 2016 is 0.2 percentage points lower than the tariff increase rate. The 2017 increase will take place without such a decrease and will apply until February 28, 2018.

Federal Salary and Pension Adjustment Act 2018/2019/2020

Based on the collective bargaining agreement in the public sector, the pay of federal civil servants was raised in three stages as follows by the Federal Pay and Pension Adjustment Act 2018/2019/2020 (BBVAnpG 2018/2019/2020) of November 8, 2018 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1810 ) : retrospectively as of March 1, 2018, linearly by 2.99% and as of April 1, 2019 by 3.09% and from March 1, 2020 by a further 1.06%. The increase for 2018 is reduced by 0.2 percentage points (allocation to the federal pension reserve in accordance with Section 14a BBesG) compared to the tariff increase rate. The adjustments in 2019 and 2020 will be made without such reductions and are expected to apply until August 31, 2020. The salary of candidates will also increase on March 1, 2018 and March 1, 2019 by EUR 50 each. In addition, a one-off payment for 2018 was regulated by law, which is granted in the amount of 250 euros for grades up to and including A 6.

Salary Structure Modernization Act (2019)

The Federal Salary Act was extensively changed by the Salary Structure Modernization Act of 9 December 2019 ( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 2053 ). An accompanying ordinance (shell ordinance) was adopted by the federal government on December 3, 2019 and announced in the Federal Law Gazette on January 10, 2020 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 27, 35 ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Text and amendments to the Federal Salary Act (BBesG)
  2. Announcements on the Federal Salary Act and the Salary Transition Act