List of filename extensions / Y

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This list contains common file name extensions that are used in some operating systems to differentiate between file formats . In other operating systems, file type identification is mainly carried out using the file header, and the MIME type is more important than the file name extension for e-mail attachments . Systems that use the latter two approaches usually ignore the extension completely.

Filename extension MIME type Full name Remarks, usage
.y - Compressed Amiga archive (YABBA)
.y - Grammar file (yacc)
.yaml YAML Ain't Markup Language YAML is a data serialization language
.yapi - Control file for the Yapi interpreter (Netinstall extension)
y01 to y02 - Secondary index file ( Paradox (database) )
y01 to y02 - Yearbook File ( Microsoft Encarta )
.yal - Clipart Library (Arts & Letters)
.YaST2save - YaST backup of a configuration file
.ybc YaST byte code Compiled YaST module
.ycp YaST control program Source code of a YaST module
.yink yInk yInk image file
.yml YAML Ain't Markup Language YAML is a data serialization language
.yuv - YCbCr-coded graphic file (The designation with .yuv is based on the frequent confusion of the digital YCbCr with the YUV used in the analog PAL .
.yyp GameMaker Studio 2 Project GameMaker Studio 2 project file
.Y Z - Compressed file archive (YAC)