List of filename extensions / K

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This list contains common file name extensions that are used in some operating systems to differentiate between file formats . In other operating systems, file type identification is mainly carried out using the file header, and the MIME type is more important than the file name extension for e-mail attachments . Systems that use the latter two approaches usually ignore the extension completely.

Filename extension MIME type Full name Remarks, usage
.k LS-Dyna Keyword file LS-Dyna input file
.k25 Kurzweil 2500 Kurzweil 2500 sample file
.k3b K3b project Storage format for K3b firing projects
.caffeine - Playlist for caffeine
.cape - , Compressed card format of MapTech and NOAA uses
.kar audio / midi, music / x-karaoke kar aoke MIDI file with text synchronized to the music
.kb K ey b Oard script Borland C ++ 4.5
.kb Program source code Knowledge Pro
.kbd Keyboard mapping script Procomm Plus, LocoScript, Signature
.kbm Keyboard mapping script Reflection 4.0
.kc - PowerCinema Linux
.kcm K-Cheat module K-Cheat Module File (Second Unit)
.kcl K yoto C ommon L isp Lisp source code
.kdb application / x-keepass K eepass D ata b ank KeePass password manager
.kdb K eep-in-Mind- D ata b ank Personal Information Manager
.kdbx Keepass database KeePass password manager
.kdbx Keep-in-mind database Personal Information Manager ,
.kdc K odak D igital C amera format Kodak Photo Enhancer image file
.kdenlive - Kdenlive project
.kds Customer data store Siemens HiPath Manager
.kex macro KEDIT
.key LS-Dyna Keyword file LS-Dyna input file
.key Data file Forecast Pro
.key Icon toolbar DataCAD
.key Security file Such as a software registration number
.key Keynote Apple Keynote (part of the IWork 06 office package )
.kfp Acrobat Preflight Profile Used to exchange profiles (import and export) for the preflight function in Adobe Acrobat
.kfx image KoFax Group 4
.kgt KGet KGet download list
.kicad_mod KiCad footprint file (circuit board layout) KiCad
.kicad_pcb KiCad board file (board layout) KiCad
.kiz Digital postcard Kodak
.kkw K keywords RoboHELP
.kml application / + xml Map Keyhole Markup Language in xml format
.kmp KeyMaP Korg Trinity Keyhole Markup Language
.kmz application / Coordinates Google Earth (kml format zipped )
.ko application / x-object Linux Kernel Object Linux kernel modules , mostly drivers
.kob cobra Reuters Cobra
.kpp Toolpad SmartPad
.kps Bitmap graphic IBM KIPS
.kqp Native camera file Konica
.kr1 sample multi-floppy file Kurzweil 2000
.krz Sample file Kurzweil 2000
.ksf Sample file Korg Trinity
.ksp KSpread Spreadsheet KSpread
.kt Program source code in Kotlin
.kwd KWord Word processor KWord
.kwl KWallet file File for saving access data
.kyb Keyboard mapping FTP
.kye Game data Kye
.kys Keyboard shortcuts -