List of filename extensions / U

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This list contains common file name extensions that are used in some operating systems to differentiate between file formats . In other operating systems, file type identification is mainly carried out using the file header, and the MIME type is more important than the file name extension for e-mail attachments . Systems that use the latter two approaches usually ignore the extension completely.

Filename extension MIME type Full name Remarks, usage
.u U Nreal System file of the Unreal Engine
.u3d Ultimate 3D model file format Ultimate 3D 3D model file format
.u3p - Program executable on U3 -compliant USB stick
.uc2 U ltra C ompressor II File compressed with UltraCompressor 2
.ucf Xilinx U ser C onstraint F ile ASCII file, defines restrictions for a hardware design at logic level
.UFO U lead F ile for O bjects / U nlimited F ile O rdering Image & object file from Ulead PhotoImpact / configuration file of the UFO file manager
.uga U lead G if A nimator Ulead GIF object file
.uha UHA RC Compressed Archive Archives, created with WinUHA or similar, see UHARC .
.uhs UHS Ultimate Hint System File format specially developed for gaming solutions.
.ui Qt U ser I nterface User interface design file. Used e.g. B. in KDevelop .
.uif U niversal I mage F ormat Disc (CD / DVD) images / archives, created / compressed / mounted with MagicISO and / or virtual disk emulator MagicDISC
.uka U nfall- K tendrils and A bsenzenmanagement system Data archive file of the UKA program
.ult Ul tra T racker Tracker module ( music format ) of the ultra tracker
.umod U Nreal mod ification Mod for Unreal / Unreal Tournament
.unr Unr eal Map Map in Unreal / Unreal Tournament
.uom Update-O-Matic file -
.uoml U nique O bject M arkup L anguage UOML is an XML-based markup language of the uniqueobject management system
.upd Ulead Private Data Corel VideoStudio temporary project file (previously: Ulead VideoStudio)
.urd ultra recall database Ultrarecall database file
.url Internet link Link to an Internet URL
.usr - Export file for lyrics from the online song database SongSelect
.ut2 UT 2 003/ 2 004 Map Map in Unreal Tournament 2003/2004
.utx U Nreal T e x ture Texture packs of the Unreal Engine
.uu UU ncoded file ASCII -coded binary data ( WinRAR archive)
.uue UUe ncoded file ASCII encoded binary data - UUencode
.uv2 µVision Project file of the embedded compiler Keil µVision 2 & 3
.uvproj µVision4 Project Project file of the embedded compiler Keil µVision 4
.uvprojx µVision5 Project Project file of the embedded compiler Keil µVision 5
.uwu bottom line Web Update Update file from the bottom line
. uxf UML exchange format Format for encoding, publishing and exchanging UML models